Thank you!  That is clear.

Unfortunately, I am still have a couple of questions.  For example:

My checking account balance is currently $ 163.25.  When I click on that
account, Moneywell tells me the 3/30/09 balance is $163.25; the reconciled
balance is ($16,951.15); and the buckets balance is $2,424.98, a number that
I can't for the life of me figure out how it calculates.  As near as I can
tell, what it reports as the reconciled balance is the total withdrawals
from the last statement I reconciled.  It has nothing to do with the actual
reconciled balance from that bank statement or anything else.

The groceries bucket is currently showing a negative 7.07, yet I *know* that
I spent more than that over budget (unfortunately).  When I clicked on the
bucket to try and see what transactions it has, it showed me just the
transactions from whichever account is selected (for example, checking or
Amex, which I use when buying groceries out of town).  Is there a way to
look at all the transactions for a bucket, regardless of which account the
money came from?


On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 10:13 PM, Kevin Hoctor <> wrote:

> On Mar 31, 2009, at 9:47 PM, cardigrl wrote:
> When you use the debt repayment bucket, do you use that for the entire
> amount of the payment, or just the interest?  In other words, I'm paying
> down a credit card.  I need to plan for the entire monthly payment, so
> that's what I assign to the debt repayment bucket.  But what do you do with
> the interest charges?   Do you track those somewhere other than as an
> increase in the credit card account not assigned to a bucket?  If I assign
> those to the debt repayment bucket, it seems I would be counting that twice
> because it's included in the monthly payment.
> Does that question make any sense?
> Hi Lynne,
> You don't need to track the interest separate from the payment since a
> credit card is charging you interest on interest. Trying to break those
> values out isn't helping your cash flow management. Pay down your credit
> card balance and work to eliminate them as a means of paying any expenses as
> quickly as you can and that will help reduce the interest you are paying.
> As for the bucket assignment, the goal is to set aside money to pay off
> your debt so you'd give the Debt Repayment bucket a planned amount, allocate
> income to it, and then pay your credit card with that payment assigning the
> whole withdrawal transaction to that bucket. If this isn't clear, please let
> me know.
> Peace,
> Kevin Hoctor
> No Thirst Software LLC
> >

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