On Apr 8, 2009, at 12:59 PM, Jonathan wrote:

> Let me start off by saying that your product is FANTASTIC and I've
> already turned my best friend onto it.  That said I was wondering if
> there's any way to have the account balance presented in the Accounts
> area (upper left hand portion of the screen),take into account a
> pending transaction.  I have a student loan that takes its monthly
> payment from my bank account in a semi predictable way every month,
> and I like to account for using the pending functionality.  I can see
> how much I "really" have at the bottom of the screen since the balance
> there is shown with the pending amount deducted, however the balance
> next to the account name in the upper right hand corner presents this
> money as if it were available, which it is to an extent.  I imagine
> this also applies for checks that are outstanding.  It's a small
> thing, but is there a way to select or choose what you would like that
> amount to display?  I always look to the upper left hand corner of the
> screen before realizing that the info I really want is very subtly
> mentioned at the bottom.  Thanks for being so approachable, I look
> forward to hearing from you.

Hi Jonathan,

The account balances really can't show pending transactions or you  
have no gauge of what your account register looks like in the current.  
The way MoneyWell is designed should push you to view the buckets for  
available spending money rather than the account balances anyway. I  
hear what you are saying and I do have plans for more views but that  
particular amount probably won't change.


Kevin Hoctor
No Thirst Software LLC

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