On Apr 10, 2009, at 9:04 AM, Jason Frisvold wrote:

> A related question.  If you happen to have two similar transactions  
> that
> want to merge with the wrong match, how do you fix that?  For example,
> if I have two transactions for $50, both on the same date.  The import
> brings in both transactions, but there's nothing to really distinguish
> one from the other.  They end up matching the wrong transaction,  
> putting
> the wrong details in.

The Merge and Remove Duplicates window allows you to uncheck any  
transactions you don't want automatically merged.

However, I've noticed it does not allow you to check any transactions  
that it did not initially pick, which prevents me from telling  
MoneyWell to merge transactions the other way around. The best  
workaround I've found is to uncheck all the problematic ones and just  
merge those manually.

Hey Kevin, would it be easy to implement an Option+Drag for manually  
merging transactions, similar to what you can do for buckets (i.e.  
just do the same operation the Merge and Remove Duplciates window  
does)? It doesn't look like Option+Drag is currently mapped to  
anything for transactions.


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