On Jun 12, 1:35 pm, Kevin Hoctor <ke...@nothirst.com> wrote:
> On Jun 12, 2009, at 11:59 AM, Daniel wrote:
> > Should I have a "Miscellaneous" bucket for all those expenses that I
> > didn't account for in my other buckets (one off expenses that I didn't
> > anticipate), or should I handle those another way?
> Dan,
> You can but just make sure that you only use this for the truly odd-
> ball transactions. If it grows too large, you'll want to break out
> those transactions into stricter buckets.

One thing I've found useful that Kevin pointed out a while back is
that you can merge buckets by option+dragging them. This came in
useful a few times when I had a bunch of odd ball buckets that I
decided weren't really relevant a few months later and I was able to
merge them into a more generic bucket without breaking anything.

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