
I am LOVING the MoneyWell 1.4.8 as it does alot of the things I need.
One major headache reliever is the way that buckets are allocated. So
glad I don't have to go in and nit-pick how each penny is divided up
per paycheck. You made that quite easy.

In working with it, a few requests for future updates would be:

*A view option that would show only the buckets that have money(or
negative shortage of) in them. This helps me to see exactly what is
spendable. Is that a preference I haven't found yet?

*On the memorized transactions, can there be a way to add a Transfer
option to an entry? I have the "Keep the Change" Savings that
transfers daily amounts from checking to savings and I have to
"remember" to go in and transfer or it throws it off.

*Add a link on the icon bar that would take the user to this group.
It's been very helpful to me.

Thanks for your hard work, Kevin. I'm probably one of the simpler
users because I don't track stocks or direct-download from my bank. I
just want my money divided up into buckets.  :)

In His Amazing Grace,

Glenn B.

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