Isaac, awesome. That's exactly what I was hoping for.

Thomas, I'm assuming (it looks like) the code is not using the constants to
platform sniff (so to speak) but instead is feature detecting, so I'll be
setting them to whatever the browser FileSystem API supports. For instance,
the FileSystem API doesn't support symbolic links, etc...

Looks like in the process I'm going to be tripping over a lot of the
boundaries of browserify too. =) (SlowBuffer.byteLength... hmm...)


On Sat, May 19, 2012 at 8:06 PM, Thomas Shinnick <> wrote:

> For example... (Just the other day I was just reviewing/comparing Linux
> vs. Windows nodes, what was _actually_ defined in runtime values versus
> what is mentioned in the constants source)
>   diff constants_*linux*.s constants_*windows*.s
>         157d122
>         <   S_IFBLK: 24576,
>         160,161d124
>         <   S_IFIFO: 4096,
>         <   S_IFLNK: 40960,
>         164,176c127,184
>         <   S_IFSOCK: 49152,
>         <   S_IRGRP: 32,
>         <   S_IROTH: 4,
>         <   S_IRUSR: 256,
>         <   S_IRWXG: 56,
>         <   S_IRWXO: 7,
>         <   S_IRWXU: 448,
>         <   S_IWGRP: 16,
>         <   S_IWOTH: 2,
>         <   S_IWUSR: 128,
>         <   S_IXGRP: 8,
>         <   S_IXOTH: 1,
>         <   S_IXUSR: 64,
>         81,86c78,80
>         <   O_APPEND: 1024,
>         <   O_CREAT: 64,
>         <   O_DIRECTORY: 65536,
>         <   O_EXCL: 128,
>         <   O_NOCTTY: 256,
>         <   O_NOFOLLOW: 131072,
>         ---
>         >   O_APPEND: 8,
>         >   O_CREAT: 256,
>         >   O_EXCL: 1024,
>         88d81
>         <   O_SYNC: 4096,
> You see a whole bunch of S_* constants not defined under Windows.  And
> fewer O_* constants under Windows.  And for the same O_* constant names,
> different values, like O_CREAT is either 0x0040 or 0x0100
> So a question is - after which runtime, Windows, Linux, BSD, would you
> model your available names and then their values?
> On Saturday, May 19, 2012 9:03:23 PM UTC-5, Isaac Schlueter wrote:
>> The O_* constants are documented in `man 2 open`.  The S_* constants
>> are documented in `man 2 stat`.
>> Note that they're also platform-dependent.  For example, O_SYMLINK
>> only exists on BSD systems.
>> On Sat, May 19, 2012 at 11:00 PM, Adam Crabtree <>
>> wrote:
>> > Howdy all,
>> >
>> > (Let me know if this isn't appropriate for nodejs-dev.)
>> >
>> > I'm attempting to porting fs to the browser in browserify via the
>> FileSystem
>> > API, and it looks like the fastest route is to shim the appropriate
>> > process.binding('fs') and process.binding('constants'), **which
>> includes:
>> >
>> > // from process.binding('fs')
>> > [ 'Stats',
>> >   'close',
>> >   'open',
>> >   'read',
>> >   'fdatasync',
>> >   'fsync',
>> >   'rename',
>> >   'truncate',
>> >   'rmdir',
>> >   'mkdir',
>> >   'sendfile',
>> >   'readdir',
>> >   'stat',
>> >   'lstat',
>> >   'fstat',
>> >   'link',
>> >   'symlink',
>> >   'readlink',
>> >   'unlink',
>> >   'write',
>> >   'chmod',
>> >   'fchmod',
>> >   'chown',
>> >   'fchown',
>> >   'utimes',
>> >   'futimes',
>> >   'StatWatcher' ]
>> >
>> > // from process.binding('constants')
>> > {
>> > O_RDONLY: 0,
>> >   O_WRONLY: 1,
>> >   O_RDWR: 2,
>> >   S_IFMT: 61440,
>> >   S_IFREG: 32768,
>> >   S_IFDIR: 16384,
>> >   S_IFCHR: 8192,
>> >   S_IFBLK: 24576,
>> >   S_IFIFO: 4096,
>> >   S_IFLNK: 40960,
>> >   S_IFSOCK: 49152,
>> >   O_CREAT: 512,
>> >   O_EXCL: 2048,
>> >   O_NOCTTY: 131072,
>> >   O_TRUNC: 1024,
>> >   O_APPEND: 8,
>> >   O_DIRECTORY: 1048576,
>> >   O_NOFOLLOW: 256,
>> >   O_SYNC: 128,
>> >   O_SYMLINK: 2097152
>> > }
>> >
>> > The fs bindings seem pretty straightforward, not sure if they'll all
>> > translate to the FileSystem API, but mostly if anyone would be be
>> willing to
>> > give information on the constants I'd be very thankful.
>> >
>> > Also, are these documented outside of the source?
>> >
>> > Cheers,
>> > Adam Crabtree
>> >
>> > --
>> > Better a little with righteousness
>> >        than much gain with injustice.
>> > Proverbs 16:8

Better a little with righteousness
       than much gain with injustice.
Proverbs 16:8

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