Woop woop!


On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 5:01 PM, Isaac Schlueter <i...@izs.me> wrote:

> I am thrilled to announce the arrival of a new stable version of Node.js.
> Compared with the v0.6 releases of Node, this release brings
> significant improvements in many key performance metrics, as well as
> cleanup in several core APIs, and the addition of new debugging
> features.
> ## tl;dr
> With version 0.8.0:
> 1. Node got a lot faster.
> 2. Node got more stable.
> 3. You can do stuff with file descriptors again.
> 4. The [cluster module](http://nodejs.org/api/cluster.html) is much
> more awesome.
> 5. The [domain module](http://nodejs.org/api/domain.html) was added.
> 6. The repl is better.
> 7. The build system changed from waf to gyp.
> 8. [Some other stuff changed,
> too.](
> https://github.com/joyent/node/wiki/API-changes-between-v0.6-and-v0.8)
> 9. Scroll to the bottom for the links to install it.
> ## Performance
> This version brings a few key enhancements in V8 and libuv that result
> in significantly improved throughput.
> All of these benchmarks were run on my OS X laptop, but the results
> are typical of what we're seeing on SmartOS, Linux, and Windows.
> ```
> # io.js
> # 0.6.19, writes
> Wrote 1024 byte buffers: 19.428793471925395 mB/s
> Wrote 4096 byte buffers: 59.737156511350065 mB/s
> Wrote 16384 byte buffers: 83.97010664203543 mB/s
> Wrote 65536 byte buffers: 97.4184120798831 mB/s
> # 0.8.0, writes
> Wrote 1024 byte buffers: 61.236987140232706 mB/s
> Wrote 4096 byte buffers: 109.05125408942203 mB/s
> Wrote 16384 byte buffers: 182.18254691200585 mB/s
> Wrote 65536 byte buffers: 181.91740949608877 mB/s
> # v0.6.19, reads
> Read 1024 byte buffers: 29.96883241428914 mB/s
> Read 4096 byte buffers: 62.34413965087282 mB/s
> Read 16384 byte buffers: 165.7550140891762 mB/s
> Read 65536 byte buffers: 266.73779674579885 mB/s
> # v0.8.0, reads
> Read 1024 byte buffers: 57.63688760806916 mB/s
> Read 4096 byte buffers: 136.7801942278758 mB/s
> Read 16384 byte buffers: 244.8579823702253 mB/s
> Read 65536 byte buffers: 302.2974607013301 mB/s
> ```
> The difference is not small. If you are writing network programs with
> node, and pushing a lot of traffic, you will notice this improvement.
> The speed of reading files got quite a bit faster as well:
> ```
> # v0.6.19
> read the file 110948 times (higher is better)
> 90141.32 ns per read (lower is better)
> 11093.69 reads per sec (higher is better)
> # v0.8.0
> read the file 158193 times (higher is better)
> 63217.16 ns per read (lower is better)
> 15818.48 reads per sec (higher is better)
> ```
> And of course, the ubiquitous 'hello, world' http server benchmark got
> significantly faster, especially for large message sizes:
> ```
> $ TYPE=bytes LENGTH=123 bash benchmark/http.sh  2>&1 | grep Req
> # 0.6.19
> Requests per second:    3317.24 [#/sec] (mean)
> # 0.8.0
> Requests per second:    3795.34 [#/sec] (mean)
> $ TYPE=bytes LENGTH=1024 bash benchmark/http.sh  2>&1 | grep Req
> # v0.6.19
> Requests per second:    3258.42 [#/sec] (mean)
> # 0.8.0
> Requests per second:    3585.62 [#/sec] (mean)
> $ TYPE=bytes LENGTH=123456 bash benchmark/http.sh  2>&1 | grep Req
> # v0.6.19
> Requests per second:    218.51 [#/sec] (mean)
> # 0.8.0
> Requests per second:    749.17 [#/sec] (mean)
> ```
> The difference with Unicode responses is even more pronounced:
> ```
> $ TYPE=unicode LENGTH=1024 bash benchmark/http.sh  2>&1 | grep Req
> # v0.6.19
> Requests per second:    3228.23 [#/sec] (mean)
> # v0.8.0
> Requests per second:    3317.60 [#/sec] (mean)
> $ TYPE=unicode LENGTH=12345 bash benchmark/http.sh  2>&1 | grep Req
> # v0.6.19
> Requests per second:    1703.96 [#/sec] (mean)
> # v0.8.0
> Requests per second:    2431.61 [#/sec] (mean)
> $ TYPE=unicode LENGTH=55555 bash benchmark/http.sh  2>&1 | grep Req
> #v0.6.19
> Requests per second:    161.65 [#/sec] (mean)
> #v0.8.0
> Requests per second:    980.38 [#/sec] (mean)
> $ TYPE=unicode LENGTH=99999 bash benchmark/http.sh  2>&1 | grep Req
> # v0.6.19
> ^C  # lost patience after a few hours
> # v0.8.0
> Requests per second:    252.69 [#/sec] (mean)
> ```
> The more bytes you're pushing, and the more work you're doing, the
> more win you'll see with node 0.8 over 0.6.
> The vast majority of the performance boost is due to improvements in
> V8. They've been very responsive to the needs of the Node.js project.
> A lot of Node's success is due to being built on such a stellar VM.
> ## Build System
> Since its inception Node has used the WAF build system which is a
> Python based system similar to SCons. The Chrome project recently
> changed to the GYP meta-build system from SCons. GYP generates
> Makefiles, Visual Studio project files, or XCode files depending on
> the target. V8, being part of the Chrome project, now defines its
> build in GYP. By using GYP, Node is able to:
> - integrate with the optimal build system on all platforms,
> - easily able to integrate V8's build process into its own, and
> - define its compilation declaratively for better manageability
> GYP was used already in Node v0.6 to build on Windows, but now it
> defines the build on all platforms. Node is still in the process of
> migrating external addon modules to GYP, and node-gyp is included with
> npm. In future releases, node-waf will be officially deprecated. If
> you are currently using a wscript in your addon, please migrate to gyp
> as soon as possible.
> ## Stabler
> The transition from libev and libeio to libuv in 0.6 was somewhat
> destabilizing for many node internals. The gambit paid off: libuv is
> the obvious choice in cross-platform asynchronous IO libraries, and
> Node.js is impressively performant on both Windows and Unix. But it
> made the transition from 0.4 to 0.6 was very rocky for a lot of users.
> Libuv wasn't as mature as node, and it showed in those early releases.
> At this point, with very few exceptions, if your v0.6 program doesn't
> run on v0.8, it should be easy and obvious to make whatever changes
> are necessary. Libuv has come a very long way, and Node 0.8 is a
> simpler and more efficient machine as a result.
> See the [migration
> wiki](
> https://github.com/joyent/node/wiki/API-changes-between-v0.6-and-v0.8)
> for details on the specific APIs that changed.
> ## The Return of File Descriptors
> In Node 0.4, there was a `listenFD` method that servers could use to
> listen on a specific file descriptor that was already bound to a
> socket or port. In 0.6, that functionality went away, largely because
> it was very Unix-specific, and couldn't be easily made to work with
> the new cross-platform libuv base.
> Since the most common use case for listenFD was as a method for having
> servers in multiple node processes share the same underlying handle,
> the `cluster` module was added in its place. However, this still left
> a lot of use cases unaddressed, and was a reason why some people could
> not use node 0.6 for their programs.
> In 0.8, we've replaced this functionality, as `server.listen({ fd: number
> })`.
> The other feature in node 0.4 that got dropped in 0.6 was the ability
> to pass arbitrary file descriptors as a child process's stdio, using
> the `customFds` array. In Node 0.6, `customFds` could be used to
> inherit the parent's stdio handles, but not to pass arbitrary handles
> or file descriptors to the child's stdio. Also, there was never a way
> to pass more than the standard `in, out, err` trio, so programs that
> expected FD 4 to be opened in some specific way were out of luck.
> In 0.8, we've added the `stdio` array on the `child_process.spawn`
> options. Pass as many file descriptors, handles, etc. as you like, and
> the child process will see them as already-opened FDs.
> ## More Powerful Cluster
> The cluster module in 0.8 is so much improved over 0.6, it's basically
> a complete rewrite. The API is mostly backwards compatible, but not
> entirely. (See the [migration
> wiki](
> https://github.com/joyent/node/wiki/API-changes-between-v0.6-and-v0.8)
> for details.)
> Barring these very minor API changes, if you were using cluster in
> 0.6, then your program will still work, but it'll be faster and more
> well-behaved now. And if you aren't taking advantage of the new
> features in 0.8's cluster, you're really missing out.
> There's too much even to do it justice here. Go read [the API
> docs](http://nodejs.org/api/cluster.html).
> ## Domains
> The original idea for Domains was a way to join multiple different IO
> actions, so that you can have some context when an error occurs.
> Since Ryan discussed the feature with node users at NodeConf Summer
> Camp last year, the domains feature has gone through many revisions.
> The problem is fairly well understood, but most attempts to solve it
> resulted in serious performance regressions, or uncovered difficult
> edge cases.
> What we ended up with in 0.8 is a very stripped-down version of this
> idea. It's entirely opt-in, with minimal performance impact when it's
> used (and none when it isn't). There are a lot of examples in [the API
> documentation](http://nodejs.org/api/domain.html), so check them out,
> and start handling your crashes smarter.
> The domain module is still experimental. We are looking forward to
> your feedback, so please use it and let us know what you think.
> ## Repl, Readline, TTY
> The Repl, Readline, and TTY modules have all had a major facelift. The
> interfaces between these three modules are cleaned up and refactored,
> removing a lot of common pain points and making it easier to use for
> debugging your programs.
> It may seem minor at times, but a good repl dramatically increases the
> quality of the overall experience. My personal favorites are:
> 1. Typing `fs` or `net` or `path` will automatically load the module.
> 2. Typing `npm install ...` will give you a helpful message.
> 3. It doesn't do that stupid thing where long lines wrap and then the
> backspace makes it get all confused and crazy.  Instead of that, it
> does the right thing.
> ## Looking Forward
> Like other even-numbered version families before it, v0.8 will
> maintain API and ABI stability throughout its lifetime.
> The v0.6 release family will continue to see releases for critical
> bugfixes and security issues through the end of 2012. However, it will
> not be the main focus of the core team's attention.
> The v0.9 releases will start in the next couple weeks. The main focus
> of v0.9 will be:
> * The HTTP implementation - It has seen a lot of real-world use now,
> but the http module is in dire need of a cleanup and refactor. Special
> attention will be paid to making the interfaces more consistent,
> improve performance, and increase correctness in more edge cases.
> * The Streams API - The concept of the Stream API is very core to
> node. However, it is also (like HTTP) a feature that grew up
> organically, and is now in need of a cleanup. It is currently too hard
> to get right, especially regarding error handling.
> * Libuv Streams - The handle interfaces in libuv are going to be
> refactored for added consistency throughout the codebase and across
> platforms.
> Looking past that, there are a few areas where Node.js still has room
> for improvement in terms of internal consistency, idiomatic JavaScript
> usage, and performance. None of these are fully-fleshed out ideas yet,
> but these are some of the items on our radar:
> * We ought to move to TypedArrays in favor of Buffers. Buffers will
> continue to work, but since TypedArray is a JavaScript native, it
> makes sense to move towards that as the preferred API.
> * SSL performance leaves much to be desired at the moment. Node's
> interface with OpenSSL is somewhat naive and leaves a lot of potential
> optimization on the table.
> * The VM module needs massive improvement. It lacks features required
> to emulate a web browser JavaScript context, which means that it is
> inadequate.
> * The Crypto module still uses some very dated APIs. In 0.8, it can
> accept Buffers for many things (finally!) but it still does not
> present a Node-like streaming interface.
> At this point, the scope of Node's feature set is pretty much locked
> down. We may move things around internally for these cleanup tasks,
> but as you can see, there are no major new features planned. We've
> drawn our boundaries, and now it's time to continue focusing on
> improving stability and performance of the core, so that more
> innovation can happen in **your** programs.
> And now, for those of you who may be wondering what was added since
> v0.7.12, your regularly scheduled release announcement:
> ## 2012.06.25, Version 0.8.0 (stable)
> * V8: upgrade to v3.11.10.10
> * npm: Upgrade to 1.1.32
> * Deprecate iowatcher (Ben Noordhuis)
> * windows: update icon (Bert Belder)
> * http: Hush 'MUST NOT have a body' warnings to debug() (isaacs)
> * Move blog.nodejs.org content into repository (isaacs)
> * Fix #3503: stdin: resume() on pipe(dest) (isaacs)
> * crypto: fix error reporting in SetKey() (Fedor Indutny)
> * Add --no-deprecation and --trace-deprecation command-line flags (isaacs)
> * fs: fix fs.watchFile() (Ben Noordhuis)
> * fs: Fix fs.readfile() on pipes (isaacs)
> * Rename GYP variable node_use_system_openssl to be consistent (Ryan Dahl)
> Source Code: http://nodejs.org/dist/v0.8.0/node-v0.8.0.tar.gz
> Macintosh Installer (Universal):
> http://nodejs.org/dist/v0.8.0/node-v0.8.0.pkg
> Windows Installer: http://nodejs.org/dist/v0.8.0/node-v0.8.0-x86.msi
> Windows x64 Installer:
> http://nodejs.org/dist/v0.8.0/x64/node-v0.8.0-x64.msi
> Windows x64 Files: http://nodejs.org/dist/v0.8.0/x64/
> Other release files: http://nodejs.org/dist/v0.8.0/
> Website: http://nodejs.org/docs/v0.8.0/
> Documentation: http://nodejs.org/docs/v0.8.0/api/
> Shasums:
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