FWIW, I actually like Bruno's proposal.  It doesn't cover all the use
cases, but it makes backpressure enabled pumps really easy.

One use case missing that's easy to add is when consuming a binary
protocol, I often only want part of the input.  For example, I might
want to get the first 4 bytes, decode that as a uint32 length header
and then read n more bytes for the body.  Without being able to
request how many bytes I want, I have to handle putting data back in
the stream that I don't need.  That's very error prone and tedious.
So on the read function, add an optional "maxBytes" or "bytes"
parameter.  The difference is in the maxBytes case, I want the data as
soon as there is anything, even if it's less than the number of bytes
I want.   In the "bytes" case I want to wait till that many bytes are
available.  Both are valid for different use cases.

Also streams (both readable and writable) need a configurable
low-water mark.  I don't want to wait till the pipe is empty before I
start piping data again.  This mark would control how soon writable
streams called my write callback and how much readable streams would
readahead from their data source before waiting for me to call read.
I want to keep it always full.  It would be great if this was handled
internally in the stream and consumers of the stream simply configured
what the mark should be.

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