On 6 fév, 15:31, Ben Noordhuis <i...@bnoordhuis.nl> wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 14:46, Etienne <et.mara...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > In a Pyramid (web framework in Python) web application, I compile a C+
> > + library with SWIG and the program runs in 10s.
> > I would like to migrate the application to node.js (0.6.5) and I have
> > put the library without change in a node-addon, that I compile with
> > node-waf.
> > The file wscript:
> > def set_options(opt):
> >  opt.tool_options("compiler_cxx")
> > def configure(conf):
> >  conf.check_tool("compiler_cxx")
> >  conf.check_tool("node_addon")
> > def build(bld):
> >  obj = bld.new_task_gen("cxx", "shlib", "node_addon")
> >  obj.target = "serie"
> >  obj.source = "serie.cc"
> > The program runs in 20s.
> > Have you any idea for that slowness? That occurs on my personnal
> > computer (mac os x snow Leopard) and also on the Webfaction server on
> > linux (node 0.6.5 also).
> Etienne, you need to provide a lot more detail. What kind of C++
> library is it, how and with what compiler flags did you compile it,
> have you profiled it, etc.

That is a small library with 2 main functions written in C. The first
dealing 52 cards with tests, and the second one is a loop which
generates a list of deals.
In 10s, the program generate 4000000 deals with pyramid and 2000000
with node.

Here ara the flags for the various compilations:

1/ distutils call GCC42 on mac os x snow Leopard:
/usr/bin/gcc-4.2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -dynamic -O2 -
DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O3 -Wall

2/ node waf call g++ on mac os x snow Leopard:
env {'CCFLAGS_MACBUNDLE': ['-fPIC'], 'program_PATTERN': '%s',
'CPPPATH_NODE': '/usr/local/Cellar/node/0.6.5/include/node',
'CXX_SRC_F': '', 'LIBPATH_ST': '-L%s', 'DEST_CPU': 'x86_64',
'LIBPATH_NODE': '/usr/local/Cellar/node/0.6.5/lib', 'CPP': '/usr/bin/
cpp', 'ARFLAGS': 'rcs', 'SHLIB_MARKER': '', 'CXXFLAGS_DEBUG': ['-g'],
'CPPPATH_ST': '-I%s', 'LIBDIR': '/Users/rouqui/.node_libraries',
'SONAME_ST': '', 'STATICLIB_ST': '-l%s', 'PREFIX_NODE': '/usr/local/
Cellar/node/0.6.5', 'RPATH_ST': '-Wl,-rpath,%s', 'CC_VERSION': ('4',
'2', '1'), 'LIB_ST': '-l%s', 'CXX_TGT_F': ['-c', '-o', ''],
'CXXLNK_SRC_F': '', 'FULLSTATIC_MARKER': '-static', 'LINK_CXX': ['/usr/
bin/g++'], 'CXXLNK_TGT_F': ['-o', ''], 'CXXFLAGS_RELEASE': ['-O2'],
'STATICLIB_MARKER': '', 'RANLIB': '/usr/bin/ranlib', 'AR': '/usr/bin/
ar', 'staticlib_PATTERN': 'lib%s.a', 'staticlib_LINKFLAGS': [],
'CXXDEFINES_ST': '-D%s', 'shlib_LINKFLAGS': ['-dynamiclib'],
'CXX_NAME': 'gcc', 'LINKFLAGS_MACBUNDLE': ['-bundle', '-undefined',
'dynamic_lookup'], 'CXX': ['/usr/bin/g++'], 'COMPILER_CXX': 'g++',
'STATICLIBPATH_ST': '-L%s', 'PREFIX': '/usr/local', 'DEST_OS':
'darwin', 'NODE_PATH': '/Users/rouqui/.node_libraries',
'shlib_CXXFLAGS': ['-fPIC', '-compatibility_version', '1', '-
current_version', '1'], 'shlib_PATTERN': 'lib%s.dylib',
'macbundle_PATTERN': '%s.bundle', 'CCFLAGS': ['-g'], 'CCFLAGS_NODE':

3/ distutils on webfaction server
gcc -pthread -fno-strict-aliasing -DNDEBUG -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-
D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-
size=4 -m32 -march=i386 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -

4/ node-waf on webfaction server
{'CCFLAGS_MACBUNDLE': ['-fPIC'], 'program_PATTERN': '%s',
'CPPPATH_NODE': '/home/emarache/include/node', 'CXX_SRC_F': '',
'LIBPATH_ST': '-L%s', 'DEST_CPU': 'x86', 'CXXFLAGS': ['-g'],
'CPPFLAGS_NODE': ['-D_GNU_SOURCE'], 'LIBPATH_NODE': '/home/emarache/
lib', 'CPP': '/usr/bin/cpp', 'ARFLAGS': 'rcs', 'SHLIB_MARKER': '-Wl,-
Bdynamic', 'CXXFLAGS_DEBUG': ['-g'], 'CPPPATH_ST': '-I%s', 'LIBDIR': '/
home/emarache/.node_libraries', 'SONAME_ST': '-Wl,-h,%s',
'STATICLIB_ST': '-l%s', 'PREFIX_NODE': '/home/emarache', 'RPATH_ST': '-
Wl,-rpath,%s', 'CC_VERSION': ('4', '1', '2'), 'DEST_BINFMT': 'elf',
'LIB_ST': '-l%s', 'CXX_TGT_F': ['-c', '-o', ''], 'CXXLNK_SRC_F': '',
'FULLSTATIC_MARKER': '-static', 'LINK_CXX': ['/usr/bin/g++'],
'CXXLNK_TGT_F': ['-o', ''], 'CXXFLAGS_RELEASE': ['-O2'],
'STATICLIB_MARKER': '-Wl,-Bstatic', 'RANLIB': '/usr/bin/ranlib', 'AR':
'/usr/bin/ar', 'staticlib_PATTERN': 'lib%s.a', 'staticlib_LINKFLAGS':
['-Wl,-Bstatic'], 'CXXDEFINES_ST': '-D%s', 'shlib_LINKFLAGS': ['-
bundle', '-undefined', 'dynamic_lookup'], 'CXX': ['/usr/bin/g++'],
'COMPILER_CXX': 'g++', 'STATICLIBPATH_ST': '-L%s', 'PREFIX': '/usr/
local', 'DEST_OS': 'linux', 'NODE_PATH': '/home/
emarache/.node_libraries', 'shlib_CXXFLAGS': ['-fPIC', '-DPIC'],
'shlib_PATTERN': 'lib%s.so', 'macbundle_PATTERN': '%s.bundle',

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