
Its actually quite simple. The is an IPC-Pipe between the parent
process and any child. When you call listen() on a socket in the
child, rather than binding to the port (which would cause an
EADDRINUSE) the child send a message requesting a handle to the
parent. The parent checks if it already has a listening socket for the
port you want. If yes it will take that handle and send it via the IPC-
Pipe to the child. If not then it will listen to the port, remember
the Handle and then send it to the child.
This way the only process that ever actually listens to a port is the
parent and that simply shares its handle with the children.

If you want to look at the code that makes it work you need to look at
net.js and child_process.js in Jvaacript as well as the Pipe wrapping
stuff in cpp.

If the pipe stuff and the ability to pass a handle to a listening
socket to listen() were actually documented, and therefore stable, it
would actually be easy to write your own clustering solution.

Since there are currently a few problems with clustering as is (such
as not shutting down correctly), and I really wanted to use it anyhow,
I actually wrote my own little API to use. When the clustering stuff
actually matures, I intend to simply rewrite it to be a light wrapper
around the then stable API.

The reason I have not gotten involved with helping on it is simply
that I don't have sufficient time and there are already serious
efforts by people much more deeply into the subject going on to make
the clustering API much better. From what I have seen, it will be
absolutely awesome when it's stable.

Regards, Phil

P.S.: if you need more detailed info, or want a sample of how the
magic actually works, just drop me a line. I can send you the stuff I
have done or go into a bit more detail if you need it.

On Feb 12, 10:36 pm, Mark Volkmann <r.mark.volkm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm trying to learn how the cluster module allows multiple TCP-based
> servers to share a port. As far as I can tell, this isn't handled in
> lib/cluster.js or lib/child_process.js. Perhaps it is handled in
> src/node.js and is related to the environment variable access with
> process.env.NODE_CHANNEL_FD. Am I on the right track? It's still a mystery
> to me what is going on here.
> How are requests distributed among the workers? In my testing it seems that
> the worker that handled the previous request will always handle the next
> request as long as it finished processing the previous request.
> --
> R. Mark Volkmann
> Object Computing, Inc.

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