On Feb 27, 2012, at 03:25, Lothar Pfeiler wrote:

> Maybe I don't get it, but how can I force Number() to give me an
> Integer? parseInt('2.3') will give me an integer. Number('2.3') will
> give me a float.
> Once, I gave my students the task to calculate the quarter of the
> year. With a type strict compiler language like C the algorithm is
> pretty simple: date.getMonth() / 3 + 1.
> Because they were not thinking of integers it was tough for them to
> figure out the algorithm. Sometimes you just need integers.
> parseInt(date.getMonth() / 3, 10) + 1.
> Plus, I thought this is a discussion about parseInt().

This discussion was initially a bug report about parseInt(), and quickly became 
an explanation of why it's not a bug and is instead behaving as designed, 
though clearly not as many people anticipate; this may mean it was not designed 

By what algorithm would you like to convert a floating point number to an 
integer? There are several methods available to you, including Math.round(), 
Math.floor() and Math.ceil().

parseInt() is about converting a string representing an integer, in any of 
several formats including hex, octal and decimal, to a JavaScript integer; 
date.getMonth() / 3 is not a string and furthermore does not represent an 
integer so to me there's no reason to use parseInt() on it; just run the math 
function on it that you intend. For example if you mean to discard anything 
after the decimal point, maybe you want Math.floor().

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