Thanks Jorge!

Fantastic information, it sounds like threads-a-gogo is the way to go. I'll use it and let you all know of my results.

Thanks again!

On 4/11/2012 3:05 PM, Jorge wrote:
On Apr 11, 2012, at 9:40 AM, Jeremy Rudd wrote:
On 4/10/2012 6:09 PM, Jorge wrote:
That's exactly what threads_a_gogo is for:


It lets you run these calculations in parallel, in javascript, in threads, and 
using all the available CPU cores. Then the main thread will receive the 
results in a callback or via an event.
Hi all,
Hi Jeremy,

threads_a_gogo sounds cool, but what are the technical details of using it?

1. What does it use in the back-end to schedule / manage tasks? child_process?
It creates p-threads and runs v8 isolates in them.

2. child_process takes some 30 ms to spawn a child thread. How much time does 
GoGo take?
When I run this:

$ time node -e "require('threads_a_gogo').createPool(100).destroy()"

I get:

real    0m0.387s
user    0m0.390s
sys     0m0.286s

That's 3.87 ms per thread

But note that these 0.387s include as well the time to start node, the time to 
require('threads_a_gogo'), and the time to destroy the 100 threads, so it must 
be a bit less than 3.87 ms per thread.

3. How does it internally work? Are there constantly running threads + 
scheduler? Or does it spawn a new thread per task?
You could create/destroy the threads on demand, but I would rather create a 
thread pool of twice or 3x the number of cores and install in them only once 
the functions that do the calculations, then reuse them again and again via a 
pool.any.eval(program, cb). Each thread takes only ~2MB, and when idle it uses 
exactly 0% cpu.

4. Is it recommended for 1-10 ms tasks as well? Do you have any idea / stats to 
show performance with / without GoGo?
Threads_a_gogo lets you

-run these blocking calls in parallel so
-they won't block node's main thread
-you'll be exploiting all the cpu cores in the machine

With an n cores machine, you'll be serving results n times faster, but even in 
a single core machine, you should use threads_a_gogo simply to avoid blocking 

WRT to performance, a fibonacci(40) in a thread_a_gogo runs about twice as fast as in 
node's main thread, see:<>  it's also a good 
example because it's very similar to your use case, istm.

Jeremy Rudd

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