Hi Martin,

assetgraph-builder comes pretty close to ticking all your boxes: 
https://github.com/One-com/assetgraph-builder, except that it requires a 
separate build step.

Stylus and coffeescript are not yet compiled in production, but it would be 
trivial to add as it's already supported by the underlying framework (the 
compileCoffeeScriptToJavaScript and compileStylusToCss transforms in 
assetgraph). Sass/compass are not supported, I haven't looked into those 

At one.com we're using assetgraph-builder for several web application that 
are in production, for example 
https://filemanager.one.com/<https://filemanager.one.com/#files/> which 
gets a YSlow score of 100 when the cloudfront host name is added as a CDN 

The weak point is the lack of documentation, but let me know if it looks 
interesting. If you describe your use case I'll see if I can help you out :)

Best regards,
Andreas Lind Petersen (papandreou)

On Saturday, April 14, 2012 8:19:06 AM UTC+2, Martin Wawrusch wrote:
> Hi guys, I am looking for an asset management solution similar to 
> sprockets / assetpipeline on rails (
> http://guides.rubyonrails.org/asset_pipeline.html#manifest-files-and-directives
> ). 
> What's important to me is:
> * Fingerprinting of all assets so that there are no problems with CDNs
> * Support for CDN fetching from source (e.g. CDN loads it's initial 
> contents from the source site, but the html generated in the views 
> references the CDN)
> * precompilation in production, individual files in development mode
> * support for stylus, less, coffeescript and if possible sass/compass, 
> uglifyjs, css compression
> I recently found brewerjs.org, which looks interesting and there is 
> connect-assets (https://github.com/TrevorBurnham/connect-assets) 
> Any other recommended packages to look at as of April 2012?
> Cheers
> Martin

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