love the analogy

On 4/17/2012 2:51 AM, Dan North wrote:
As a relatively recent adopter of node.js and even JavaScript I find the 
tendency to offer streamline etc. to newcomers a bit like offering a boat to 
someone who has just joined a swimming club and is learning to swim.

- "I'm finding swimming tricky"
- "Use a boat!"
- "I think I want to understand swimming"
- "Use a kayak! It's quicker. It's like it swims for you!"
- "Nearly everyone else here is swimming. It can't be that hard. I just need help 
with wrapping my head around it."
- "Try these water-wings called async while you get used to the water."
- "Oh thanks, that looks useful."
- "Use a kayak!"
- "Look, I'm not afraid of getting wet or anything and I can doggy-paddle but it's 
exhausting. I want to learn good swimming technique. Can you point me to some useful 
- "La la la use a boat!"
- *sigh* (leaves)

So, since I'm also likely to end up coaching this stuff because that's what I 
do, and I'm a fan of good resources, I'm genuinely interested in the following:

Can anyone recommend a good resource for an experienced programmer who is new to async, 
callback- and event-based, single event loop programming in JavaScript and node.js? And 
no I don't want a boat or anything else that masks the "async experience". 
Honestly, I'll be ok.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jorge<>
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2012 20:39:15
Subject: Re: [nodejs] Re: How to avoid callback hell?

On Apr 16, 2012, at 3:08 PM, Nuno Job wrote:



Gratuitous, and unnecessarily rude: -1024

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