On 04/25/2012 01:34 PM, Carl S. Yestrau Jr. wrote:
I used jquery mobile on geobacon.com and it was a coleslaw wrestling match.

I'm curious of anyone has used boostrap for mobile?

thks for the suggestion - had not heard of bootstrap - looks very impressive - we had used skeleton before so the fluid layout seems similar (nice) - now to see if it has nice android/ios mobile themes & widgets like JQM (and less bugs).

one tutorial showed it playing well with backbone so a nice stack could be:
bootstrip - backbone - node - socket.io - mongodb

On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 11:51 AM, john.tiger<john.tigernas...@gmail.com>  wrote:
On 04/24/2012 08:48 PM, Filipe wrote:
Really nice answers guys, thanks for the discussion.

I quit using jQuery Mobile because I'm having to much bugs too in
elements, slides and renderings. But what I REALLY liked was the<div
data-role="page" id="page1">    and then access it easily  with<a

john.tiger, how are your tests with those new frameworks?

first, I appreciate all the input received.

re JQM - we found most of the showstopping bugs had to do with ui-grid /
blocks - we've totally eliminated using these and are otherwise finding JQM
to be the easiest/fastest way to get something out the door.  ps: we are
also not using transitions.

after yahoo locked up my system - I wrote off anything YUI (I've never felt
their tools are that friendly w/ linux - but might just be our own

played a bit with dojo - a lot there, it just didn't seem to "flow" well to
me - this might just be personal or maybe needs better docs/tutorials - I
think it is worth looking more at.

haven't proceeded with JQTouch since what I've read seems most of effort has
passed to either JQM or Touch2

Touch2 looks very good but concerned about potential for license change and
we want to stay with totally free open source - also it is a significant
learning curve over JQM -

so our plan is:  stay with JQM (without ui-grid, transitions) for initial
versions - maybe then migrate to dojo or Touch2 / phonegap  after passing
fail-fast phase.

Best regards,


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