On Tue, Aug 07, 2012 at 01:10:39PM -0700, Andreas M. Botsikas wrote:
>    Hi all,
>    webinos is a cross device platform built entirely on top of node js and is
>    organizing an application competition so I thought of sharing this with
>    you just in case you want to do a summer project and win some cool prizes.
>    More info at [1]http://bit.ly/webinoscomp

>From the site:

> What are the cool prizes then?
> We're cross-screen so we stay true to our word! We'll throw in a mix of
> state-of-the-art mobile handsets, tablets and uber-cool android-on-a-stick
> devices. Stay tuned for more details in the comming days!

Make it a BMW and I'll build you the best damned app ever.

Any way you want to lend me one to prototype out my application?

This banter is of course appropriate, as due this cause:

Just to co-plug ya'll, since you're gonna hook me up with an 2014 M5 now,

Webinos is _awesome_ stuff. So, portable JavaScript sandbox for apps and 
awesome, but, you ask, didn't Es, WebOS, Google Extensions, & soon Tizen all do 
same thing?

The killer feature for me is the Personal Zone Proxy, which turns Webinos into 
a fully
connected service mesh overlay of all your devices and services, wherever you 
go. I
submitted my own internetworking challenge to Knight's Network Challenge for a 

, more protocol oriented (DBus) than your blind-runtime-just-makes-it system, 
the idea is near and dear to my heart, and to I think the omni-connected 
ubicomp nerd posse
out there. I haven't done any hardcore in depth review on Webinos's 
architecture in the past
month or two, but webinos goes really far with this concept, there are Personal 
Zone Hubs
which is a central relay for a perons's available Servies, and Personal Zone 
Proxies PZP
which form satellites to make all your Personal Hub services available, and you 
can talk to
other PZP's. There are Applications which can use anything in your Personal 
Zone. It's all
some very cool overlay/ internetworking tech, I think there may be provisions 
for sharing of
services across users beyond the core across device sharing it has. All to make 
a slick
cross device JavaScript runtime for Applications using Services found across 

Or, something to that effect. Andreas or anyone, is it possible to share 
services between
users? Can't remember what inter-user activity is possible.

Everyeone: Participate or no, I think everyone owes it to themself to check out 
some Webinos.

Ok, way late for the nerdiest of nerdy meetups, our regular EVE Online meetup. 
Cya all

PS: https://plus.google.com/113218107235105855584/posts is my G+. JS, Ubicomp, 
space, & writing at least as good/brain meltingly horrible as the above. Say hi.

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