On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 11:17:00PM -0600, Nathan White wrote:
> I usually refrain from this bs but when people start asking for explanations
> about such absurdities I find it very hard to refrain.
> Marak's behavior is childish and deserves no explaination. The way he brought
> this shit to the forum should signal why he was fired. None of these issues
> should take away from all the other talented members of nodejitsu. It doesn't
> matter if Marak is right, to handle an issue like this in a public forum is
> inexcusable. 

What is inexcusable? Announcing that you're no longer able to maintain open
source software that you've created? Telling your Internet friends you've been
fired? Letting people know something of the hurt you feel that the work you've
focused on has come to an end for you?

What's inexcusable exactly?

I've known people who couldn't have been happier with their termination. It's
the end of a relationship. In our industry, quit whether someone is fired or
whether they quit is about as meaningful as who dumped who first.

I believe our compatriot is taking his dismissal pretty hard, but it doesn't
make sense to me. I don't believe he has to take it that hard. I want to see him
rebound. I want to see him fork and carry on.

Getting fired is something that happens to a person. It's part of that person's
story. They get to tell their story. He is part of the community. His
circumstance effects the community. He gets to talk about it. He is allowed to
tell people that this circumstance makes him sad.

It makes me sad.

I don't understand your vindictiveness. It's really off putting. Reads like a
craven display of deference to authority to me.

Alan Gutierrez - @bigeasy

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