Isolates were taken a look at a while ago. They are similar to what you 
want, but still unable to do so. It would generally be more sane to just 
scale out processes was what was decided. The edge cases of giving multiple 
"light weight" isolates proved to be very difficult to prevent Isolates 
from affecting each other (env variables, cwd, ulimits, etc.). If you are 
running large numbers of processes and having memory issues I might 
recommend you look into where that memory is coming from, node itself is 
around 10Mb overhead. The rest is most likely some kind of cache or 
non-GCable objects in your application. Note: Code source is cached, and 
coffeescript can compound things in unexpected ways (not always bad, 
inspect yourself).

On Saturday, October 13, 2012 4:29:17 AM UTC-5, Alexey Guskov wrote:
> Hello everybody. I'm a huge fan of node.js and ve're actively using it in 
> our project for creating various services.
> Recently we've faced a problem of significant ram overhead required to run 
> each node.js instance (about 40Mb). This is an issue since we are running a 
> number of different node.js services on one machine, and the memory is 
> limited.
> So what we trying to use is run multiple services in single node.js 
> process using vm.runInNewContext(), but compared this approach is missing 
> some functionality:
> 1) We cannot monitor amount of memory allocated by each subprocess.
> 2) We cannot cancel all setTimeouts and process.nextTicks for given 
> process to effectively stop its execution.
> 3) We cannot get a list of open sockets and file descriptors for given 
> process.
> With this functionality we could use node.js similar to erlang - run a 
> number of processes inside a single vm - and use some erlang features (like 
> 'let it fail') that would certanly lead us to world domination ;)
> So, is there any projects targeted to solve similar problem?

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