
On 28.10.2012, at 7:02, "P. Douglas Reeder" <> wrote:

> One of the things my app needs to do is write a large JSON file to disk.  
> Currently, it's implemented naively:
>       writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(process.cwd() + 
> "/staticRoot/album.json", {"encoding": "utf8"});
>       writeStream.addListener("error", function (error) {
>               console.error("album.json:", error);
>               if (! writeError)   // preserve 1st error
>                       writeError = error;
>               callback(writeError);   // on error, abort writing next file
>       });
>       writeStream.end(JSON.stringify(album));
> This appears to work ok when the JSON file is 150k (the largest size I can 
> readily test).  It needs to work when the JSON file is up to 500k.  i'm not 
> sure how big the write buffer is, but I lack confidence that this is the 
> right way to go.  The bulk of the JSON file is an array of objects, so I 
> could create the JSON file one array item at a time, checking the return 
> value from writeStream.write() in a manner analogous to the following HTML 
> file writing:
>       writeStream.addListener("drain", writeUntilBufferFull);
>       writeStream.write("<h1>" + title + "</h1>\n");
>       writeStream.write("<table>\n");
>       function writeUntilBufferFull() {
>               var longDate, urlFileName, htmlFileName, row;
>               console.log("writeUntilBufferFull()   p=", p, "   metadata:", 
> JSON.stringify(pictureMetadata[p]));
>               while (p < pictureMetadata.length) {
>                       longDate = pictureMetadata[p].date ? 
> pictureMetadata[p].date.toLocaleDateString() : "";
>                       urlFileName = 
> encodeURIComponent(pictureMetadata[p].fileName).replace(/'/g, '%27');
>                       htmlFileName = 
> pictureMetadata[p].fileName.replace(/&/g, "&amp;").replace(/</g, 
> "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;").replace(/"/g, "&quot;");
>                       row =  "        <tr><td align='right'>" + (p+1) + 
> "</td><td align='right'>" + longDate + 
>                                       "</td><td><a class='gallery' 
> href='pictures/" + urlAlbumName + "/" + urlFileName + "' title='" + longDate 
> + "'>" + htmlFileName + "</a></td>" +
>                                       "<td><a download=\"" + htmlFileName + 
> "\" href='full-size/" + urlAlbumName + "/" + urlFileName + 
> "'>full-size</a></td></tr>\n";
>                       if (! writeStream.write(row))
>                               break;
>                       ++p;
>               }
>               if (p < pictureMetadata.length) {
>                       ++p;
>               } else {
>                       writeStream.removeListener("drain", 
> writeUntilBufferFull);
>                       writeStream.end();
>                       callback(writeError);
>               }               
>       }
> What's the best strategy for writing large JSON files?
> -- 
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