On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 10:41 AM, Anton Whalley
<anton.whal...@nearform.com> wrote:
> Can you put it on an illumOS based system temporarily and get DTracing?
> At the very least this would tell you if its infrastructure or application.
> Spin up a Joyent SmartOS or do a local install of OpenIndiana.
> Then install your app
> This d script will show you when garbage collection is starting and how long
> it takes.
> node*:::gc-start
> {
>     self->ts = timestamp;
> }
> node*:::gc-done
> {
>     printf("Garbage Collection - [%Y] - %d",
>               walltimestamp,
>               timestamp - self->ts);
>               self->ts = 0
> }

In that vein, if you're on a semi-recent RHEL-based system (CentOS,
Fedora), you can use this systemtap script.  It prints aggregated GC
statistics every 5 seconds and at program exit.  Run with `sudo stap
gc.stp -c 'node script.js'`.

Note that systemtap support currently only exists in master.
Debian/Ubuntu probably won't work, the systemtap in the official
repositories is too old.

#!/usr/bin/env stap

global samples
global all_samples
global timestamp

probe process("node").mark("gc__start")
  timestamp = gettimeofday_us()

probe process("node").mark("gc__done")
  sample = gettimeofday_us() - timestamp
  samples <<< sample
  all_samples <<< sample

probe timer.s(5)
  printf("min:%d avg:%d max:%d count:%d\n",
         @min(samples), @avg(samples),
         @max(samples), @count(samples))
  delete samples

probe end
  printf("min:%d avg:%d max:%d count:%d\n",
         @min(all_samples), @avg(all_samples),
         @max(all_samples), @count(all_samples))

As a gist: https://gist.github.com/4078925

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