You can wrap `spawn` in a `setImmediate`, so that others get a chance to
attach their events.

On 06/18/2013 04:19 AM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
> Per previous threads, I'm implementing a transform stream around a particular 
> command line program for use in a web service. How should the stream report 
> errors?
> In the case of the _transform and _flush functions that I'm supposed to 
> implement, they're given a callback parameter, so I can "callback(new 
> Error(…))". That's easy, but what about in other situations, like the 
> constructor?
> In the constructor of my custom transform stream, I spawn a process:
>   var process = this._process = spawn(options.command, options.args, 
> options.env);
> If the process closes with a non-zero exit code or crashes, I want to be able 
> to report that, not just to the server's console, but also to the web browser 
> of the user who made the request that started the process:
>   process.on('close', function(code, signal) {
>     if (signal !== null) {
>       …
>     } else if (code !== 0) {
>       …
>     }
>     self.emit('close');
>   });
> If a problem occurred, should I "throw new Error(…)" or "self.emit('error', 
> new Error(…)"?
> I was emitting the error, but am having trouble making that work in code 
> running directly in the constructor. Let's say I want to allow only a few 
> different commands ("foo" and "bar") to be run:
>   if (!~['foo', 'bar'].indexOf(options.command)) {
>     this.emit('error', new Error('Invalid command: ' + options.command));
>   }
> If I emit an error like that, then the node program exits saying there was no 
> listener attached to the stream listening for the error event. But I cannot 
> attach a listener to the stream until after the constructor has finished and 
> has returned the stream object to me.
> Should I instead throw the error? If so, do I just use a try{}catch{} block 
> whenever I create such a stream?
> Passing Error objects to a callback is straightforward, but other methods of 
> error handling in node are still very confusing to me, especially try/catch. 
> Guidance would be appreciated.

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