On Thursday, November 14, 2013 5:22:16 PM UTC+1, Eric Mill wrote:
> I'm totally fine being told that the Unicorn model is the wrong way to 
> think of things in Node. But what are the best practices for deploying a 
> Node app where I'd like to be able to scale the number of processes up and 
> down easily on a box? The model I'm used to is putting nginx in front, 
> having it proxy to a Unix socket, and then having Unicorn watch the same 
> Unix socket.
> I'm aware of node-http-proxy<https://github.com/nodejitsu/node-http-proxy> - 
> should I run one of these with forever<https://github.com/nodejitsu/forever> 
> -- 
> and then also manage my express processes with forever? How should I be 
> conceiving of the problem?

With "the Unicorn model" I believe you are referring to the supervising, 
preforking server model, in which there is a master process that sets up 
the server socket, and then forks off multiple worker processes that each 
one listen on that server socket. The kernel then load balances requests 
between the worker processes. This single server socket is then attached to 
Nginx in the form of a reverse proxy. In a proper implementation of this 
model, a crashing worker process will be automatically restarted.

I don't know why you were told that that model is the wrong way to think of 
things in Node. That is in fact a very good model for Node, and for web 
apps in general! This model allows you to scale the number of processes up 
and down (of course, assuming that the system actually implements it).

First off, full disclosure: I am one of the Phusion Passenger authors. This 
"Unicorn model" is almost exactly what Phusion Passenger implements. It 
supervises all your processes. It restarts them when they crash. It allows 
you to scale the number of processes up and down with ease. It provides I/O 
security by buffering your requests and responses.

How's Passenger any different compared to using 'cluster', pm2 etc and then 
attaching the result to an Nginx reverse proxy? Well, Passenger drastically 
reduces deployment complexity, and adds important production features that 
you can't easily get by just attaching Node to Nginx:

   - Using Passenger is much easier. If you do it yourself, you’ll have to 
   write reverse proxy rules, write init scripts, etc. The result probably 
   does not even handle corner cases properly, like race conditions, stale PID 
   files, etc. Passenger takes care of all this for you and handles virtually 
   all the corner cases. This reduces the number of moving parts and reduces 
   - Passenger integrates much deeper into Nginx than a straight reverse 
   proxy does, and as such can leverage Nginx features much better. For 
   example, the load balancing and response buffering in Phusion Passenger is 
   much better than the one you get with manual reverse proxying.
   - By using Nginx’s proxy module, it’s very hard to see what’s going on 
   with the system right now. Are all connections ok? Are all processes ok? 
   Phusion Passenger provides simple and powerful administration tools that 
   can help you with that.

Passenger is proven technology: it's already being used by the likes of New 
York Times, Pixar, AirBnB, Apple, American Express, Juniper, etc as well as 
350.000 websites <http://trends.builtwith.com/Web-Server/Phusion-Passenger>.

I see that there are some misunderstandings about Passenger. It is not true 
that Passenger requires Nginx recompilation. The fact is:

   - Passenger provides a Standalone 
   You configure Passenger through command line options. Passenger Standalone 
   is powered by an internal Nginx core and you get all the Passenger 
   features. This Nginx core is fully internal and is precompiled -- you don't 
   have to recompile your existing Nginx! Because it's powered by this Nginx 
   core, you can choose to directly expose it to port 80, and it's immediately 
   production ready. You can also attach it to an existing Nginx using a 
   reverse proxy if you want to integrate it into your current infrastructure.
   - Passenger provides an *optional* Nginx integration 
mode<http://www.modrails.com/documentation/Users%20guide%20Nginx.html> which 
   allows Passenger to start together with Nginx, and which allows you to 
   configure Passenger inside the Nginx config file. It's all about ease and 
   reducing complexity: instead of having to think and deal with yet another 
   software component, you just deal with Nginx and treat it as if it can 
   manage Node. If you want to use this mode (which you don't have to), then 
   Passenger must be compiled into Nginx. But even then, you don't have to do 
   that yourself! We provide Debian and Ubuntu packages, so it's just an 
   apt-get upgrade away.
   - All of the above are available in the open source version.

More information can be found in the Passenger Node.js 

There's a strong support community around Passenger too. Almost every 
question can be answered by contacting the discussion forum, Stack 
Overflow, etc. There is also a ton of extremely detailed documentation 
at https://www.phusionpassenger.com/documentation_and_support.

As one of its authors, I take pride in writing excellent documentation and 
making Passenger ease and stable. I guarantee that it's fit for production. 
If you're not satisfied with it, you get your money back, literally.

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