Looks like it is not solved.

Sometimes I get situation when fs.ReadStrem neither emit 'readable' nor
'end' when used on growing file in non flow mode. And I have no event to
resume reading. Except maybe some timeout.

2014-02-08 19:53 GMT+02:00 Denys Khanzhyiev <xden...@gmail.com>:

> Solved by creating actual stream implementing _read.
> The trick is to call push on each _read.
> When there is no data, delay pull until data available.
> In my stream  `_read` i call `read` of fs.ReadStream.
> As I understand I should either rely on  `fs.ReadStream.read` and 'end'
> event.
> Or 'data' and 'end' events and  `fs.ReadStream.pause/resume`, but not mix
> them.
> here is gist
> https://gist.github.com/xdenser/8887437
> it needs more details to handle errors
> and also I have doubts about resume event
> maybe it is better to `watch` file instead of listening for 'data' event
> on download stream.
> 2014-02-08 2:12 GMT+02:00 Denys Khanzhyiev <xden...@gmail.com>:
> Hello,
>> I have a task where one slow stream is piped to fs.writeStream and after
>> some event I need to read from that writen file, i.e. read from growing
>> file from some position. A have seen `node-growing-file`, and
>> `tailing-stream` nothing seems to solve my problem.
>> It looks like I do not understand how streams work
>> Here is my helper object (though it is called PxyStream it is not stream
>> in fact),
>> var
>>    fs = require('fs');
>> function PxyStream(path,readStream,writeStream,start,end){
>>     this.path = path;
>>     this.readStream = readStream;
>>     this.writeStream = writeStream;
>>     this._offset = start;
>>     this.endPos = end;
>>     this.writeStream.on('finish',function(){
>>         this._writeStreamFinished = true;
>>         this.nextStream();
>>     }.bind(this))
>> }
>> PxyStream.prototype.pipe = function(destination){
>>     this.destination = destination;
>>     this.nextStream();
>> }
>> PxyStream.prototype.nextStream = function(){
>>     if(!this._stream){
>>         var options = {
>>            start: this._offset
>>         };
>>         var last = this._writeStreamFinished;
>>         console.log('new read stream',this._offset, last);
>>         this._stream =  fs.createReadStream(this.path,options);
>>         this._stream.pipe(this.destination,{end: false});
>>         this._stream.on('data',function(data){
>>             this._offset += data.length;
>>         }.bind(this));
>>         this._stream.on('end',function(){
>>             console.log('read stream end',this._offset, last);
>>            this._stream.unpipe();
>>            this._stream = null;
>>            if(last) {
>>                this.destination.emit('end');
>>            }
>>            this._watch();
>>         }.bind(this));
>>     }
>> }
>> PxyStream.prototype._watch = function(){
>>    this.readStream.once('data',function(){
>>        this.nextStream();
>>    }.bind(this))
>> }
>> exports.PxyStream = PxyStream;
>> I am using it as
>> pxyStream = new PxyStream(filePath,<slowReadStream>,
>> <fsWriteStream>,start,null);
>> // i need end position too but lets skip it for now
>> pxyStream.pipe(<otherSlowStream>);
>> my problem is I see 'read stream end' message far before otherSlowStream
>> ends.
>> In fact it never ends, but i can see its progress.
>> Actually destination is http.response stream.
>> I thought stream.pipe should slow down reading in order to keep buffers
>> short.
>> Maybe attached 'data' event makes it read fast, but how can I count bytes
>> then?
>> The other problem is I can not end destination properly.

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