On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 2:04 AM, Grant Hutchins <ghutch...@pivotal.io> wrote:
> I have a Node ObjectWrap subclass object that handles a uv_async_send from a
> thread I don't control (from a key-value store library I'm using that can
> trigger an event at any time). I would like to make sure that if
> uv_async_send is triggered from this other thread, I can call Ref() on my
> ObjectWrap so that its v8 object doesn't get GC'ed before the async fires on
> the main loop.
> So far the only way I've gotten things to work is to call Ref() in the
> constructor of the ObjectWrap, but that means that it never gets GC'ed. I'd
> prefer that it get GC'ed as normal, except when an event has come in and
> triggered a uv_async_send that hasn't yet been processed on the v8 main
> loop.
> It seems that I keep running into a race condition between somehow getting
> the main loop to call Ref() and hoping the GC doesn't fire before that and
> delete the v8 object and thus my ObjectWrap. Am I correct in assuming that
> Ref() must be called from the main loop?

That's correct, you can only call ObjectWrap::Ref() from the main thread.

It's in theory possible to create a thread-safe ObjectWrap class that
acquires a v8::Locker but that won't help with the race condition you
mention: the object can still be garbage-collected before the call to

You can make the object weak with ObjectWrap::MakeWeak().
ObjectWrap::MakeWeak() invoke the destructor of your class when the
object is garbage-collected.

Please note that libuv handles must be explicitly closed with
uv_close() and that uv_close() is asynchronous: you cannot call it
from your destructor on an embedded uv_async_t handle because the
lifetime of the handle needs to exceed that of the embedding object.
New the uv_async_t in your constructor and delete it in the OnClose

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