
So, I think I made a design mistake.

I have a child process worker, that receives some data and sends back the 
results to dynamically attached listener.

Simplified code:

    var worker = childProcess.fork('./app_modules/workers/worker1.js');
    require('./app_modules/sockets-user/foobar.js')(io, worker);

    io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
      socket.on('trigger', function (data) {
        worker.once('message', function(responseData) {
          //here I get a response from worker
          socket.emit('response', responseData);

It was working great until I discovered that If socket.on('trigger' is 
triggered at the very exact moment by different users every listener would 
receive the same message.

I could change worker.once to worker.on and filter incoming messages but 
its not really a fix. I would have to destroy every listener after it was 
used to prevent them from adding up and I don't know if it is even possible.

I did pass the worker object like that, because I thought I could pass it 
anywhere it was needed, now I feel like I was wrong. How should I approach 
this problem?

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