
I am just starting to learn the capabilities of node-js and am a pretty 
amateur programmer in general.  My specialization is mostly in musical & 
media applications.  My goal is to create a simple UI which is 
connected/altered by other instances of the UI on the same LAN. Whether the 
UI is hosted locally on client devices and/or on a server, the changes made 
should only effect other instances on the same LAN. 
My goal for the most basic prototype of this connected UI over the LAN will 
be a *toggle *and a *menu*. The toggle enables/disables the menu on that 
instance to control (*as well as be controlled by*) all other users in the 
LAN session.

If this description of what I'm aiming to do is unclear please let me know. 
I'm open to any level of help from pointing me in the right directions of 
what to learn to sample code if you are so inclined.

I'm excited to learn such a dense skill. Overcoming this challenge will 
help me greatly in diving deeper.  I'll definitely share the final outcome 
here when I finish. :)

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