Mo usul en tanya, nih!

Gimana kalo antara NM, MNM, dan EAz style fotografinya
dibedain? Atawa variasi dalam satu site juga ga pa pa
:). Misalnya B/W atawa a la J-nude (blur/halo/soft).
Pasti temen2 milis-ers juga suka yg begituan. Atau
mungkin Bung G malah merasa style-nya Bung G bakalan
'rusak' kalo kebanyakan variasi? Kalo saya pribadi
sih, udah jelas Bung G gape moto EN nyari model, jadi
ga masalah.

Boleh tau ga Bung G pake kamera apa? 1DsMkII? 20D?
D2x? D70s? H1D (gile beneeeerrrr...)? Yang laen? Atawa
pake film?
Trus soal warna, itu Bung G pake gel orange atawa
hasil photoshop?
Critanya gua lagi pengen banget beli DSLR (pengennya
sih 5D :o tapi duitnya agak seret... he3x) trus nyari
model. Kalo soal location en lighting sih temen2 udah
banyak yg nyanggupin buat minjemin/nyewain. Tapi kalo
sampe kameranya juga minjem sih kayaknya ga modal

Thanks heaps in advance!

Oh, and one more thing: UP YOURS, RHOMA! Angels at the
heaven's gate wouldn't even think twice about sending
you straight to hell. Couldn't get your hands on any
virgins here on Earth so you're hoping for the ones in
Paradise? I'd look in the mirror if I were you! Hope
you didn't flunk your English in high school so you
can understand this.(What? You're not a member here?
Ah, but you can always rely on your little spies,
right?) Assalaamu'alaikum Wr.Wb. (Yes, I'm a moslem,
too, you two-faced hypocritical twerp!)

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- est. 2005 - More Revealing Indonesian Beauties
- est. 2004 - Indonesian Girls Next Door
- est. 2001 - Indonesia Erotica

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- est. 1997 - Sexy Indonesian Girls 
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