"Letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought 
contend is the policy for promoting the progress of the arts and the 
sciences and a flourishing socialist culture in our land. Different 
forms and styles in art should develop freely and different schools in 
science should contend freely. We think that is harmful to the growth
 of art and science if administrative measures are used to impose one 
particular style of art or school of thought and to ban another. 
Questions of right and wrong in the arts and sciences should be settled 
through free discussion in artistic and scientific circles and through 
practical work in these fields. They should not be settled in summary 
fashion." This is a famous saying of None other then Mao-Tse-Tung. 
We now know how  he was being distorted and projected in the leftist cultural 
arena.  You may not like Marxism, but can't deny that  it's the most popular 
philosophical school of thought on this globe till date. The Collapse of
 USSR and Derailment of China doesn't necessarily means it has lost it's
 popularity. Also a critic might need to read the original text.

These are now available on net. You can find most of them here:
Sushanta Kar              

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 Read and Write in  PRAGYAN,    A Quarterly Journal of Academic, Intellectual 
and Career Pursuit from Tinsukia College.
  We believe not on the Bondage of knowledge, But in Its Freedom.

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