Desde: 11-05-2009
Hasta:  13-05-2009
Lugar: Cyprus

Call for Papers: Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures Newsletter

ERES 2009

Seventh International Conference on Earthquake Resistant Engineering 

11 - 13 May 2009

Organised by:
Wessex Institute of Technology, UK

Sponsored by: 
WIT Transactions on the Built Environment

View the conference website, which has full details about the conference 
objectives, topics and submission requirements at: 

Conference Topics
* Site effects and geotechnical aspects
* Earthquake resistant design
* Seismic behaviour and vulnerability
* Stuctural dynamics
* Monitoring and sensoring
* Bridges
* Masonry construction
* Retrofitting
* Passive protection devices
* Seismic isolation
* Self-centring systems
* Lifelines
* Design codes and response spectre
* Material mechanics / characterisation
* Numerical simulation
* Experimental studies
* Earthquake performance based design
* Earthquake countermeasures for existing structures
* Earthquake disaster prevention
* Case studies
* Material characterisation

Full conference information is available at:
or submit an abstract directly by sending an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Conference Secretariat
Jenna Solanki, Conference Secretariat, ERES 2009
Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst
Southampton, SO40 7AA. Telephone: 44 (0) 238 029 3223
Fax: 44 (0) 238 029 2853. Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Submit an abstract via the conference website or contact the Conference 
Secretariat above:

Please forward this information to anyone you feel may be interested or would 
benefit from this information. They can subscribe by e-mailing 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and putting SUBSCRIBE- ERES 2009 in the subject field.

Please note: We endeavour to e-mail you information relevant to your field. 
However, if you are now specializing in another field and wish to receive 
news relevant to this area, or if you no longer wish to be included in this 
list please email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Los mensajes son archivados en la pagina Web del AMCA

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