Dear Colleague

The 2008 K.J. Bathe Award has been won by Dr.-Ing. Carolin Birk for her paper:

C. Birk, P. Ruge, "Representation of radiation damping in a 
dam-reservoir interaction analysis based on a rational stiffness 
approximation", Computers & Structures, 85, 1152-1163, 2007.

Details of The 2010 K.J. Bathe Award can be found at:

The K.J. Bathe Award 2010 will be given to an author of the best 
paper published in Computers & Structures in the years 2008 and 2009. 
The author should be under the age of 40 on 1 January 2010.  The 
first stage in the application process is to submit a paper to the 
journal of Computers & Structures by following the link:

Thank you

Barry Topping
Co-Editor Computers & Structures
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