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10th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference

Theme:   MDO: Reshaping Design in Industry

30 August - 2 September 2004
Crowne Plaza Albany
Albany, New York


Abstract submission begins:      03 November 2003
Abstract submittal deadline*:     16 January 2004
Special session and panel proposals due:  16 January 2004
Notification of acceptance:      26 March 2004
Full/final student competition papers due:  26 April 2004
Full/final papers due:        25 June 2004

*1500  word  (or  more)  abstract  required.  See  Procedure for=20
Submitting Extended Abstracts  below.
Abstracts Include: Paper abstracts,  Work  in  Progress  (WIP)=20
abstracts,  and  abstracts  for  student  paper


General Chairs:
Prof. Achille Messac
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Prof. John E. Renaud
   University of Notre Dame

International Chairs:
Prof. George Rozvany
     Budapest University of Technology and Economics
   North American Chair
     Dr. Jaroslaw Sobieski
   NASA Langley Research Center
   South American Chair
Prof. Helcio R. B. Orlande
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
   European Chair
     Prof. Fred van Keulen
     Delft University of Technology
  Asian Chair
     Prof. Byung Man Kwak
     Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
   Aust alian Chair
     Prof. Robert E. Melchers
     University of Newcastle
   Former Soviet Union Region Chair
Dr. Sergey Selyugin
Engineering Center of AIRBUS in Russia

General Contact and Information:
General Contact:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   General Information:


We  are  approaching  the  twenty  year  anniversary  of  the  biennial=20
Analysis  and  Optimization  (MA&O)  international  conference,  which=20
brings  together
industry,  government,  and  academe  to  present  and  discuss  the=20
latest  in  MA&O
technology.  Critical  recent  developments  have  placed  MA&O  in  a=20
central  role  in
multidisciplinary  design:  (i)  the  ground  breaking  advances  in=20
approaches, (ii) the dramatically reduced cost and increased speed of=20
computing, and (iii)
the vibrant continued development of MA&O technology. These have also=20
resulted in the
broadening of MA&O application ? to areas well beyond traditional=20
structural aerospace

This  international  conference  will  take  a  retrospective  and=20
prospective  look  at  MA&O,
and allow for a solid assessment of the state of the art. Contributions=20
are invited covering
a broad set of applications, from traditional  aerospace  and=20
automotive  to  consumer
products design. Methodological approaches of interest range from=20
multidisciplinary and
multiobjective to multiscale methods. Applications and MA&O approaches=20
that address
micro, nano, and biotechnology are also of particular interest. Topics=20
of  interest  also
include  nondeterministic  approaches,  human-machine  interaction,=20
infrastructure, supporting software and hardware.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
=95  Multidisciplinary  Design  Optimization  (MDO)  Methodologies,
including  decomposition  methods,  MDO  architectures  and  frameworks,
and software integration and visualization.
=95  Uncertainty  Quantification  and  Non-Deterministic  Design
Optimization, including sensitivity analysis, reliability-based design, a=
robust design.
=95  Modeling and Simulation Methods,  including  variable  complexity
modeling,  model  validation,  reduced  order  modeling,  crashworthiness=
high  performance  computing,  single  and  multi-point  approximations,
response  surface  methods,  Kriging  and  spline  approximations,  neura=
networks and fuzzy logic.

=95  Shape and Topology Optimization for aerodynamic or general structura=
objectives, and with special emphasis on the discrete layout optimization=

=95  Optimization  Methods  for  discrete  or  continuous  problems,=20
multi-criteria  optimization,  gradient  based  optimization,  evolutiona=
optimization, fuzzy optimization, and physical programming.
=95  Design, including approaches for technology assessment, evaluation, =
selection; complex systems design; aeroelastic/structural design; aerospa=
vehicle design; materials design; and consumer products design.
=95  Strategic Issues, including system affordability, data handling and =

in distributed computing, and web-based computing and collaboration.
=95  Emerging  Methods,  including  optimization  in  micro  and  nano
technologies, multi-scale modeling and optimization, optimization in bio-=

technology, and other disciplines not yet commonly included in MA&O.
=95  MA&O Applications in aerospace systems, structural systems, topology=

and shape optimization, manufacturing, weapons design and optimization,
consumer  products  design,  automotive  design,  and  MDO  benchmark

Papers  involving  single  or  multiple  disciplines  are  welcome  in=20
all  areas  above.
Additionally, survey papers that clearly denote historical development=20
as well as the state
of the art, and Work-in-progress (WIP) papers, are also solicited in the =

areas listed in this
call for papers. Note that WIP papers will appear in the conference=20


Specially Organized Sessions and Panels
Individuals who wish to organize special panel sessions or special=20
technical paper
sessions should submit a short proposal describing the nature of the=20
session as it relates to
the topics of interest specified. Importantly, the proposal should also=20
include the names of
organizers  and  participants.  Specific  instructions for submitting=20
proposals  can  be  found
on  the  conference  website  Note =

  that  any  paper
proposed  as  part  of  a  special  technical  session  must  have  an=20
abstract  submitted  by  the
abstract deadline.

Student Paper Competition on Design Optimization
Undergraduate and graduate students who are working in fields listed=20
under the
topics  of  interest  (be  it  multidisciplinary  or  not)  are=20
encouraged  and  invited  to  submit
papers  on  design  optimization.  Co-authored  papers  (e.g.,  with=20
advisors and other
students) are welcomed. However, the first author must be a student and=20
the conference
presentation should be made by a student author. It is assumed that the=20
student will have
played  a  key  role  in  the  research  and  writing  of  the  paper.=20
Student  authors  of  the  best
undergraduate and graduate papers will be presented an award from the=20
MDO Technical
Committee at the conference. Papers and accompanying presentations will=20
be judged on
the originality of the work, the paper?s potential importance to the=20
field, and on its clarity.

Detailed  instructions  for  submitting  a  paper  for  the  student=20
paper  competition  can  be
found at the conference website

Abstract  submissions  for  the  conference  will  be  accepted=20
electronically  through
AIAA?s web site at  This  web  site  will  be open=20
for submittals of
abstracts starting 03 November 2003. Authors will choose the MA&O=20
conference from a
menu of available AIAA meetings. Each author will then be prompted to=20
provide his or
her  address,  corresponding  author  information,  citation=20
information,  AV  requirements,
and biographical information. Finally, authors will be prompted to=20
upload their abstracts
in  two  possible  formats:  MS  Word  or  PDF.  Full-length  papers=20
are  encouraged,  and
extended  abstracts  (1,500  words  minimum)  in  lieu  of  traditional=20
  (short)  abstracts  are
required, and are due no later than 16 January 2004. Note that all=20
abstracts are due on
16 January 2004, be they paper abstracts, work-in-progress (WIP)=20
abstracts, or abstracts
for the student paper competition. To be considered for a full-length=20
paper, each abstract
must  clearly  describe  the  specific  contributions  and  the  current =

  status  of  the  work,  and
distinguish unambiguously between results at hand and those expected.=20
Figures, data, and
written findings must be included to support the status. A clear=20
delineation of what work
has  been  done  and  what  work  will  be  done  is  expected.  Authors =

  having  difficulty
submitting  abstracts  electronically  should  e-mail  AIAA  technical=20
support  at:
Authors will be notified of paper acceptance by 26 March 2004. An=20
Author?s Kit,
containing detailed instructions and guidelines for submitting=20
full/final papers to AIAA,
will be made available on the web. Presentation at the conference will=20
not be permitted
unless authors provide a complete manuscript to AIAA by 25 June 2004 for =

inclusion in
the at-conference proceedings. It is the responsibility of those authors =

whose papers are
accepted  to  ensure  that  a  representative  attends  the  conference=20
  to  present  the  paper.  A
"no-paper, no-podium" rule will be in effect for all presentations. AIAA =

will not consider
for presentation or publication any paper that has been or will be=20
presented or published
elsewhere. Authors will be required to sign a statement to this effect.

Prospective  authors  are  reminded  that  technology transfer=20
guidelines have
substantially extended the time required for review/approval of=20
abstracts and completed
papers  by  U.S.  government  agencies.  Internal  (company)  plus=20
external  (government)
review  can  consume  16  weeks  or  more.  All  reviews/approvals  are=20
  the responsibility of
the author. Authors should determine the extent of approval necessary=20
early in the paper
preparation process to preclude paper withdrawals and late submissions.

The 2004 MA&O Conference will be held in the heart of New York State's
Capital District. Aside from the conference hotel's ideal location and=20
surrounding shops
and restaurants, the Capital District offers a wealth of activities for=20
all ages. From historic
French  and  Indian  War  battle  sites  to  fine  arts,  entertainment, =

  and  historic  Saratoga
Springs; the Capital District is sure to please the entire family!

The  cultural  life  of  upstate  New  York  flourishes  at  historic=20
Saratoga  Springs.
Experience world famous horse racing at the Saratoga Racetrack, or visit =

the Saratoga
Performing  Arts  Center,  which  features  the  likes  of  The  New=20
York  City  Ballet,  The
Philadelphia Orchestra, Saratoga Chamber Music Festival, and the Lake=20
George Opera.
Relive  a  part  of  North  American  history  by  visiting  the=20
restored  Fort  William
Henry colonial fortress from the French and Indian War, or Fort=20
Ticonderoga, a world-
renowned museum, historic fort, and site of major victories in the Seven =

Years' War and
American Revolution. Cruise beautiful Lake George or the scenic Hudson=20
River on large
cruise ships or classic steamboats. Experience the last week of horse=20
racing at Saratoga

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