*II Brazil-Argentine* *Microfluidics Congress*

*V Congreso de Microfluídica Argentina*

*First Circular & Call for Papers*

Following the successful *fi
<https://pages.cnpem.br/workshopmicrofluidica/>*rst bilateral
Microfluidics Congress <https://pages.cnpem.br/workshopmicrofluidica/>, we
are very pleased to invite you to participate in the *II
Brazil-Argentine* *Microfluidics
Congress* in conjunction with the *V Congreso de Microfluídica Argentina, * to
be held in the city of* Córdoba <https://www.cordobaturismo.gov.ar/>,
from the *23th *to the *25th *of* October*, 2019.

The congress is the second joint initiative between the Argentine and
Brazilian scientific communities in Microfluidics to strengthen the
scientific and technological collaboration between the two countries and
the region.

Microfluidics is a multidisciplinary scientific and technological area in
accelerated development stage with fruitful intercrossed relationship with
industry. Prediction and control of the behavior of small volumes of fluids
(nanoliter to picoliter) at small scales (nanometers to micrometers) have
allowed successful industrial applications from the inkjet printhead in the
late 1970s to the present revolutionary development of lab-on-chip and
organ-on-a-chip devices in medicine, pharmaceutics, chemistry, biology,
physics,  biomedical engineering and analysis (chemical analysis,
environmental monitoring, medical diagnostics, DNA testing, single cell).
Possible advantages of microfluidics applications are: precision, control,
small volumes, low cost, low energy, fast processes, and portability.

The first joint Brazil-Argentine Microfluidics Congress was organized at
PUC-Rio in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 2018. The first microfluidics workshop
in Brazil was organized in 2011 whereas the corresponding first argentine
congress was held in 2014.

The goal of this edition is to gather researchers and students from
academia and industry to discuss the most recent innovations in the field
and involve a growing number of participants in the region.


The congress is organized  around the following topics, but not limited to:


   *Micro and nanofluidics*

   *Microsensors, MEMs, BioMEMs, microPADs*


*Lab-on-a-chip, Organ-on-a-chip and point-of-care platforms *


*Single cell analysis *

   *Droplet and Digital Microfluidics*

   *Flow through porous and nanostructured media*

   *Microfluidics modeling and computational simulations*

   *Microfluidics visualization and instrumentation*

   *3D printing, techniques and materials for microfabrication*

*Applied to**:* healthcare, pharmaceutical, oil & gas, engineering,
physics, chemistry, biology, nanotechnology, medicine, environment,
ecology, agronomy,  food industry, development, sustainability, innovation,
technology and more.

*Keynote Speakers*

*Lucimara Gaziola de la Torre* <https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8179-1160>(UNICAMP,

<http://lamein.org/?page_id=505> <http://lamein.org/?page_id=505>*Rossana
Elena Madrid* <http://lamein.org/?page_id=505> (INSIBIO, Argentina)

*Claudia A. Trejo Soto* <https://sites.google.com/site/ctrejosoto/>
<https://sites.google.com/site/ctrejosoto/>( PUCV, Chile)

*Jon Otto Fossum* <https://www.ntnu.edu/employees/jon.fossum> (NTNU, Norway)


In addition to talks by invited speakers, participants will have the
opportunity to present their work through oral and poster contributions.
The conference will have a Book with ISBN.  Panel discussion with the
regional industry for technological innovation  and expo of
microfluidics-related products  will be organized. Students contributors
will be able to apply for financial support.

*Important Dates*

May 2

Begin of registration

May 25

Abstract submission deadline

June 17

Final acceptance of contributions

July 7

Early registration deadline

August 18

Regular registration deadline

October 6

Late registration deadline with late dues

October 23–25

*II Brazil-Argentine Microfluidics Congress  *
* V Congreso de Microfluídica Argentina*,


Córdoba is the second most important city in Argentina and an important
urban  development in the central region of the country. Even though it is
located  in a vast valley, it is surrounded by the heights of several
mountain range systems with a special, enjoyable and  unique microclimate.
The dazzling City of Córdoba opens its doors to tourism not only through
its history and culture but also by means of its impressive sites, with
plenty of eye-catching scenarios.

Touristic and cultural infomation could be seen at www.cordobaturismo.gob.ar
and turismo.cordoba.gob.ar

*Travel and Accommodation *

The city may be accessed by plane through Ambrosio Taravella International
Airport. Also the local bus station welcomes most visitors coming from all
over the country. Hotels and travel information will appear soon.

We recommend you to arrive on Tuesday night, October 22 and to leave during
or after the week-end to enjoy a beautiful tourism time in Córdoba, and
social-cultural activities among participants that will be suggested for
Saturday. The formal conference closing will be on Friday 25 evening.

*Pre-registration is open!*

For organizing purposes we have implemented a preregistration form, that
can be filled here <https://forms.gle/74MEWS62tMTaRxm68>as soon as you are
able to do it. Your information will be of valuable help for the
organization of the conference.* Many thanks for your rapid collaboration! *We
encourage the participation of undergraduate students. We will offer
financial support for students.


The fee will include catering during the conference, comprising the welcome
reception and coffe-breaks. Registration will be possible at the
conferencewebsite <http://www.mfarg.org/>.

Registration Fee

*Early *by July 7

*Regular *by August 18

*Late *by October 6


AR$ 2800

AR$ 3500

AR$ 4500

Graduate/PhD Student

AR$ 1800

AR$ 2200

AR$ 2900

Undergraduate Student

AR$ 1000

AR$ 1200

AR$ 1600

*Scientific Committee*


   Dra. Mariana Freytes, FI-UBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina

   Dr. Raúl Urteaga, IFIS-UNL-CONICET, Santa Fe, Argentina

International Board


   Angelo Luis Gobbi, LNNano Coordinator, Campinas, Brazil

   Dra. Ma. Luisa Cordero, Univ. de Chile, Santiago, Chile

   Dr. Marcio Carvalho, LMMP-PUC, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

   Dr. Wendell Coltro, Universidad Federal de Goias, Brazil

   Dr. Alejandro V. Silhanek, ULG, Liége, Belgium

   Dr. Carlos Alberto Dorao, Norwegian Univ. Sc. Tech., Norway

National Board


   Dr. Juan M. Cabaleiro, FI-UBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina

   Dra. Verónica Raspa, LadHyX, Buenos Aires, Argentina

   Dr. Mario Cachile, FI-UBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina

   Dr. Sebastián Ubal, UNER, Paraná, Argentina

   Dr. Diego M. Campana, UNER, Paraná, Argentina

   Dr. Pablo Kler, CIMEC, Santa Fe, Argentina

   Dr. Hernán Pastoriza, CAB-CNEA, Bariloche, Argentina

*Organizing Committee*


   Verónica I. Marconi, FAMAF (UNC), IFEG (UNC-CONICET), Córdoba, Argentina

   Adolfo J. Banchio, FAMAF (UNC), IFEG (UNC-CONICET), Córdoba, Argentina



   Nesvit Castellano, FAMAF (UNC), IFEG (UNC-CONICET), Córdoba, Argentina

   Pedro A. Pury, FaMAF (UNC), Córdoba, Argentina

   Emanuel Carrilho, BioMicS, São Paulo, Brazil

   Claudio Berli, INTEC (UNL-CONICET), Santa Fe, Argentina

   Gastón Miño, IBB (UNER-CONICET), Entre Ríos, Argentina

   Sofía Montagna, IFEG (UNC-CONICET), Córdoba, Argentina

   Matías Bettera Marcat, IFEG (UNC-CONICET), Córdoba, Argentina

We thank you very much for your invaluable contribution, participating and
advertising the event among colleagues, students and your institutions !!

Looking forward to meet you soon in Córdoba, Argentina!


Prof. Dr. Verónica I. Marconi & Prof. Dr. Adolfo J. Banchio (chairs)
on behalf of the Organizing Committee.

*II Brazil-Argentine Microfluidics Congress/ *
*V Congreso de Microfluídica Argentina *
Córdoba, Argentina, October 23-25, 2019.
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