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De: howen <herbert.o...@bsc.es>
Date: jue., 8 oct. 2020 a las 9:28
Subject: Beca PhD

Tenemos una beca de doctorado para trabajar en Large Eddy Simulation para
flujos atmosféricos con aplicación a Wind Energy.
Si sabes de alguien a quien pueda interesarle te agradecería que le
hicieras llegar la información.

The call will open the 13 and close the 27 of October.

We are looking for a PhD student to work on the topic of numerical
simulation of atmospheric flows for wind-energy applications. The focus
will be microscale-mesoscale coupling, surface and subgrid-scale models for
large-eddy simulations, and implementation for high-performance computing.

The applicant is expected to have a master's degree in engineering,
geosciences, physics, mathematics, or a related field. A good knowledge in
classical mechanics, in particular fluid mechanics is required. Basic
knowledge of numerical analysis and statistical methods is of advantage.
Good skills in programming and computer science will be regarded very
favourably, since the applicant will work with large-scale computing
systems (unix or GNU/linux OS, parallel computing). The working language is

The PhD student will be part of a collaborative initiative between the
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) and the Barcelona Supercomputing
Center (BSC) that has been recently funded by the Spanish Ministry of
Science, Innovation and University (project title "Turbulence and large
coherent structures in the atmospheric boundary layer: Fundamental aspects
for parametrizations of cloud formation and for wind-energy applications"
in the 2019 call for projects i+D+i). The PhD position is fully funded with
a FPI scholarship for 4 years, tentatively starting in September 2021. The
application period is from 13th October 2020 to 27th October 2020 and the
application should be submitted electronically as described in the
following website

Aid for pre-doc contracts for the training of doctors 2019

For further information, please visit the previous website or contact Juan
Pedro Mellado (juan.pedro.mell...@upc.edu) or Matías Avila (


Herbert Owen

Senior Researcher, Dpt. Computer Applications in Science and Engineering
Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS)
Edificio NEXUS II - Office 3a, c. Jordi Girona 29
08034 Barcelona, Spain
Tel: +34 93 413 7940
Skype: herbert.owen

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