--- Comment #3 from Marco Hunsicker <> 2011-06-26 11:31:53 
UTC ---
Sure you have to be careful to avoid filtering unwanted files, but doesn't this
apply to the <copy> task in an equal manner?

If you would limit filtering to specific filesets as suggested by the OP, I
don't see more potential to do harm than with the <copy> task.

<filter token="BUILD.VERSION" value="${BUILD.VERSION}" />
<filter token="BUILD.NUMBER" value="${SAFE.BUILD.NUMBER}" />
<copy todir="/tmp" filtering="true" overwrite="true">
  <fileset dir="src/main/resources">
    <include name="**" />
<jar jarfile="target/file-${BUILD.VERSION}.jar">
  <zipfileset dir="/tmp">
      <include name="**" />


<filter token="BUILD.VERSION" value="${BUILD.VERSION}" />
<filter token="BUILD.NUMBER" value="${SAFE.BUILD.NUMBER}" />
<jar jarfile="target/file-${BUILD.VERSION}.jar">
  <zipfileset dir="src/main/resources" filtering="true">
      <include name="**" />

As I often need to filter things, I've patched Ant. It's a simple change if you
assume all files have the same encoding like in my use case, but still a nice
enhancement. I'd vote to reconsider your decision.

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