Repository: ant
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/1.9.x 8e8f4de8f -> 059d44fac

almost complete release instructions


Branch: refs/heads/1.9.x
Commit: 059d44fac61e3f2a6b731fe86c322599e7f13c18
Parents: 8e8f4de
Author: Stefan Bodewig <>
Authored: Tue Apr 12 20:04:46 2016 +0200
Committer: Stefan Bodewig <>
Committed: Tue Apr 12 20:04:46 2016 +0200

 ReleaseInstructions | 29 +++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ReleaseInstructions b/ReleaseInstructions
index 24eece7f..1e50d63 100644
--- a/ReleaseInstructions
+++ b/ReleaseInstructions
@@ -274,12 +274,14 @@ Note: This document was updated in the context of 
releasing Ant
 23. wait a few hours for the mirrors to catch up
-16. Update the site :
+24. Update the site :
     The website is managed here:
+    Copy the manual of the release into the production folder - since
+    the site still uses svn and Ant proper uses git there currently is
+    no way to use the scm for this.
     Update the following files for version number:
     * source/antnews.xml (Announcement)
@@ -293,31 +295,18 @@ Note: This document was updated in the context of 
releasing Ant
     Generate the html files by invoking 'ant'
     Commit the modified/generated files in the 'production' folder, it will go
     live on in a matter on seconds.
-    Change the version of the manual published on the site: copy the manual 
-    the production folder - since the site still uses svn and Ant
-    proper uses git there currently is no way to use the scm for this.
-18. At this point in time, the release is done and announcements are made.
+25. At this point in time, the release is done and announcements are made.
     PGP-sign your announcement posts.
     Apache mailing lists that should get the announcements:, dev@ant and user@ant.
-22. You can now reacquaint yourself with your family and friends.
+26. You can now reacquaint yourself with your family and friends.
-(*)  Mirrors : the srcdownload.html, bindownload.html and
-     manualdownload.html each list a number of mirrors. For ant 1.6.0
-     the mirrors picked up the new version in 8 hours or less, the
-     release having been done at midnight on Dec 18th, the mirrors had
-     it on Dec 19th at 8 am. The
-     srcdownload/bindownload/manualdownload pages all contain a note
-     advising users to be patient immediately after the release.
-(+)  Don't expect the old releases to disappear from
- as soon as the new releases are there.
-     The rsync process from people.a.o to www.a.o adds files once per
-     hour but only deletes once per day.
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