membphis commented on a change in pull request #1153: feature: support for 
proxy caching plugin based on disk.

 File path: t/plugin/proxy-cache.t
 @@ -0,0 +1,630 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+use t::APISIX 'no_plan';
+add_block_preprocessor(sub {
+    my ($block) = @_;
+    my $http_config = $block->http_config // <<_EOC_;
+    # for proxy cache
+    proxy_cache_path /tmp/disk_cache_one levels=1:2 
keys_zone=disk_cache_one:50m inactive=1d max_size=1G;
+    proxy_cache_path /tmp/disk_cache_two levels=1:2 
keys_zone=disk_cache_two:50m inactive=1d max_size=1G;
+    # for proxy cache
+    map \$upstream_cache_zone \$upstream_cache_zone_info {
+        disk_cache_one /tmp/disk_cache_one,1:2;
+        disk_cache_two /tmp/disk_cache_two,1:2;
+    }
+    server {
+        listen 1986;
+        server_tokens off;
+        location / {
+            expires 60s;
+            return 200 "hello world!";
+        }
+        location /hello-not-found {
+            return 404;
+        }
+    }
+    $block->set_value("http_config", $http_config);
+=== TEST 1: sanity check (missing required field)
+--- config
+       location /t {
+           content_by_lua_block {
+               local t = require("lib.test_admin").test
+               local code, body = t('/apisix/admin/routes/1',
+                    ngx.HTTP_PUT,
+                    [[{
+                        "plugins": {
+                            "proxy-cache": {
+                               "cache_bypass": ["$arg_bypass"],
+                               "cache_method": ["GET"],
+                               "cache_http_status": [200],
+                               "hide_cache_headers": true,
+                               "no_cache": ["$arg_no_cache"]
+                            }
+                        },
+                        "upstream": {
+                            "nodes": {
+                                "": 1
+                            },
+                            "type": "roundrobin"
+                        },
+                        "uri": "/hello"
+                   }]]
+                   )
+               if code >= 300 then
+                   ngx.status = code
+               end
+               ngx.say(body)
+           }
+       }
+--- request
+GET /t
+--- error_code: 400
+--- response_body eval
+qr/failed to check the configuration of plugin proxy-cache/
+--- no_error_log
+=== TEST 2: sanity check (invalid type for cache_method)
+--- config
+       location /t {
+           content_by_lua_block {
+               local t = require("lib.test_admin").test
+               local code, body = t('/apisix/admin/routes/1',
+                    ngx.HTTP_PUT,
+                    [[{
+                        "plugins": {
+                            "proxy-cache": {
+                               "cache_zone": "disk_cache_one",
+                               "cache_bypass": ["$arg_bypass"],
+                               "cache_method": "GET",
+                               "cache_http_status": [200],
+                               "hide_cache_headers": true,
+                               "no_cache": ["$arg_no_cache"]
+                            }
+                        },
+                        "upstream": {
+                            "nodes": {
+                                "": 1
+                            },
+                            "type": "roundrobin"
+                        },
+                        "uri": "/hello"
+                   }]]
+                   )
+               if code >= 300 then
+                   ngx.status = code
+               end
+               ngx.say(body)
+           }
+       }
+--- request
+GET /t
+--- error_code: 400
+--- response_body eval
+qr/failed to check the configuration of plugin proxy-cache/
+--- no_error_log
+=== TEST 3: sanity check (invalid type for cache_key)
+--- config
+       location /t {
+           content_by_lua_block {
+               local t = require("lib.test_admin").test
+               local code, body = t('/apisix/admin/routes/1',
+                    ngx.HTTP_PUT,
+                    [[{
+                        "plugins": {
+                            "proxy-cache": {
+                               "cache_zone": "disk_cache_one",
+                               "cache_key": "${uri}-cache-key",
+                               "cache_bypass": ["$arg_bypass"],
+                               "cache_method": ["GET"],
+                               "cache_http_status": [200],
+                               "hide_cache_headers": true,
+                               "no_cache": ["$arg_no_cache"]
+                            }
+                        },
+                        "upstream": {
+                            "nodes": {
+                                "": 1
+                            },
+                            "type": "roundrobin"
+                        },
+                        "uri": "/hello"
+                   }]]
+                   )
+               if code >= 300 then
+                   ngx.status = code
+               end
+               ngx.say(body)
+           }
+       }
+--- request
+GET /t
+--- error_code: 400
+--- response_body eval
+qr/failed to check the configuration of plugin proxy-cache/
+--- no_error_log
+=== TEST 4: sanity check (invalid type for cache_bypass)
+--- config
+       location /t {
+           content_by_lua_block {
+               local t = require("lib.test_admin").test
+               local code, body = t('/apisix/admin/routes/1',
+                    ngx.HTTP_PUT,
+                    [[{
+                        "plugins": {
+                            "proxy-cache": {
+                               "cache_zone": "disk_cache_one",
+                               "cache_bypass": "$arg_bypass",
+                               "cache_method": ["GET"],
+                               "cache_http_status": [200],
+                               "hide_cache_headers": true,
+                               "no_cache": ["$arg_no_cache"]
+                            }
+                        },
+                        "upstream": {
+                            "nodes": {
+                                "": 1
+                            },
+                            "type": "roundrobin"
+                        },
+                        "uri": "/hello"
+                   }]]
+                   )
+               if code >= 300 then
+                   ngx.status = code
+               end
+               ngx.say(body)
+           }
+       }
+--- request
+GET /t
+--- error_code: 400
+--- response_body eval
+qr/failed to check the configuration of plugin proxy-cache/
+--- no_error_log
+=== TEST 5: sanity check (invalid type for no_cache)
+--- config
+       location /t {
+           content_by_lua_block {
+               local t = require("lib.test_admin").test
+               local code, body = t('/apisix/admin/routes/1',
+                    ngx.HTTP_PUT,
+                    [[{
+                        "plugins": {
+                            "proxy-cache": {
+                               "cache_zone": "disk_cache_one",
+                               "cache_bypass": ["$arg_bypass"],
+                               "cache_method": ["GET"],
+                               "cache_http_status": [200],
+                               "hide_cache_headers": true,
+                               "no_cache": "$arg_no_cache"
+                            }
+                        },
+                        "upstream": {
+                            "nodes": {
+                                "": 1
+                            },
+                            "type": "roundrobin"
+                        },
+                        "uri": "/hello"
+                   }]]
+                   )
+               if code >= 300 then
+                   ngx.status = code
+               end
+               ngx.say(body)
+           }
+       }
+--- request
+GET /t
+--- error_code: 400
+--- response_body eval
+qr/failed to check the configuration of plugin proxy-cache/
+--- no_error_log
+=== TEST 6: sanity check (illegal character for cache_key)
+--- config
+       location /t {
+           content_by_lua_block {
+               local t = require("lib.test_admin").test
+               local code, body = t('/apisix/admin/routes/1',
+                    ngx.HTTP_PUT,
+                    [[{
+                        "plugins": {
+                            "proxy-cache": {
+                               "cache_zone": "disk_cache_one",
+                               "cache_key": ["$uri-", "-cache-id"],
+                               "cache_bypass": ["$arg_bypass"],
+                               "cache_method": ["GET"],
+                               "cache_http_status": [200],
+                               "hide_cache_headers": true,
+                               "no_cache": ["$arg_no_cache"]
+                            }
+                        },
+                        "upstream": {
+                            "nodes": {
+                                "": 1
+                            },
+                            "type": "roundrobin"
+                        },
+                        "uri": "/hello"
+                   }]]
+                   )
+               if code >= 300 then
+                   ngx.status = code
+               end
+               ngx.say(body)
+           }
+       }
+--- request
+GET /t
+--- error_code: 400
+--- response_body eval
+qr/failed to check the configuration of plugin proxy-cache/
+--- no_error_log
+=== TEST 7: sanity check (normal case)
+--- config
+       location /t {
+           content_by_lua_block {
+               local t = require("lib.test_admin").test
+               local code, body = t('/apisix/admin/routes/1',
+                    ngx.HTTP_PUT,
+                    [[{
+                        "plugins": {
+                            "proxy-cache": {
+                               "cache_zone": "disk_cache_one",
+                               "cache_bypass": ["$arg_bypass"],
+                               "cache_method": ["GET"],
+                               "cache_http_status": [200],
+                               "hide_cache_headers": true,
+                               "no_cache": ["$arg_no_cache"]
+                            }
+                        },
+                        "upstream": {
+                            "nodes": {
+                                "": 1
+                            },
+                            "type": "roundrobin"
+                        },
+                        "uri": "/hello*"
+                   }]]
+                   )
+               if code >= 300 then
+                   ngx.status = code
+               end
+               ngx.say(body)
+           }
+       }
+--- request
+GET /t
+--- error_code: 200
+--- response_body
+--- no_error_log
+=== TEST 8: hit route (cache miss)
+--- request
+GET /hello
+--- response_body chop
+hello world!
+--- response_headers
+Apisix-Cache-Status: MISS
+--- no_error_log
+=== TEST 9: hit route (cache hit)
+--- request
+GET /hello
+--- response_body chop
+hello world!
+--- response_headers
+Apisix-Cache-Status: HIT
+--- raw_response_headers_unlike
+--- no_error_log
+=== TEST 10: hit route (cache bypass)
+--- request
+GET /hello?bypass=1
+--- response_body chop
+hello world!
+--- response_headers
+Apisix-Cache-Status: BYPASS
+--- no_error_log
+=== TEST 11: purge cache
+--- request
+PURGE /hello
+--- error_code: 200
+--- no_error_log
+=== TEST 12: hit route (nocache)
+--- request
+GET /hello?no_cache=1
+--- response_body chop
+hello world!
+--- response_headers
+Apisix-Cache-Status: MISS
+--- no_error_log
+=== TEST 13: hit route (there's no cache indeed)
+--- request
+GET /hello
+--- response_body chop
+hello world!
+--- response_headers
+Apisix-Cache-Status: MISS
+--- raw_response_headers_unlike
+--- no_error_log
+=== TEST 14: hit route (will be cached)
+--- request
+GET /hello
+--- response_body chop
+hello world!
+--- response_headers
+Apisix-Cache-Status: HIT
+--- no_error_log
+=== TEST 15: hit route (not found)
+--- request
+GET /hello-not-found
+--- error_code: 404
+--- response_body eval
+qr/404 Not Found/
+--- response_headers
+Apisix-Cache-Status: MISS
+--- no_error_log
+=== TEST 16: hit route (404 there's no cache indeed)
+--- request
+GET /hello-not-found
+--- error_code: 404
+--- response_body eval
+qr/404 Not Found/
+--- response_headers
+Apisix-Cache-Status: MISS
+--- no_error_log
+=== TEST 17: hit route (HEAD method)
+--- request
+HEAD /hello-world
+--- error_code: 200
+--- response_headers
+Apisix-Cache-Status: MISS
+--- no_error_log
+=== TEST 18: hit route (HEAD method there's no cache)
+--- request
+HEAD /hello-world
+--- error_code: 200
+--- response_headers
+Apisix-Cache-Status: MISS
+--- no_error_log
+=== TEST 19:  hide cache headers = false
+--- config
+       location /t {
+           content_by_lua_block {
+               local t = require("lib.test_admin").test
+               local code, body = t('/apisix/admin/routes/1',
+                    ngx.HTTP_PUT,
+                    [[{
+                        "plugins": {
+                            "proxy-cache": {
+                               "cache_zone": "disk_cache_one",
+                               "cache_bypass": ["$arg_bypass"],
+                               "cache_method": ["GET"],
+                               "cache_http_status": [200],
+                               "hide_cache_headers": false,
+                               "no_cache": ["$arg_no_cache"]
+                            }
+                        },
+                        "upstream": {
+                            "nodes": {
+                                "": 1
+                            },
+                            "type": "roundrobin"
+                        },
+                        "uri": "/hello*"
+                   }]]
+                   )
+               if code >= 300 then
+                   ngx.status = code
+               end
+               ngx.say(body)
+           }
+       }
+--- request
+GET /t
+--- error_code: 200
+--- response_body
+--- no_error_log
+=== TEST 20: hit route (catch the cache headers)
+--- request
+GET /hello
+--- response_body chop
+hello world!
+--- response_headers
+Apisix-Cache-Status: HIT
+--- response_headers_like
+--- no_error_log
+=== TEST 21: purge cache
+--- request
+PURGE /hello
+--- error_code: 200
+--- no_error_log
+=== TEST 22: purge cache (not found)
+--- request
+PURGE /hello-world
+--- error_code: 404
+--- no_error_log
+=== TEST 23:  invalid cache zone
+--- config
+       location /t {
+           content_by_lua_block {
+               local t = require("lib.test_admin").test
+               local code, body = t('/apisix/admin/routes/1',
+                    ngx.HTTP_PUT,
+                    [[{
+                        "plugins": {
+                            "proxy-cache": {
+                               "cache_zone": "invalid_disk_cache",
 Review comment:
   We should throw an error message directly when the user tries to set an 
invalid `cache zone`.

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To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the
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Apache Git Services

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