nic-chen commented on a change in pull request #1067:

File path: api/internal/handler/route/route_test.go
@@ -408,352 +408,380 @@ func TestRoute(t *testing.T) {
        route2 := &UpdateInput{}
        route2.ID = "1"
+       reqBodyCopy := `"name": "aaaa",
+       "uri": "/index.html",
+       "hosts": ["", "*"],
+       "remote_addrs": [""],
+       "methods": ["PUT", "GET"],
+       "labels": {
+               "l1": "v1",
+               "l2": "v2"
+       },
+       "upstream": {
+               "type": "roundrobin",
+               "nodes": [{
+                       "host": "",
+                       "port": 80,
+                       "weight": 1
+               }]
+       },
+       "script":{
+               "rule":{
+                       "root":"451106f8-560c-43a4-acf2-2a6ed0ea57b8",
+                       "451106f8-560c-43a4-acf2-2a6ed0ea57b8":[
+                               [
+                                       "code == 403",
+                                       "b93d622c-92ef-48b4-b6bb-57e1ce893ee3"
+                               ],
+                               [
+                                       "",
+                                       "988ef5c2-c896-4606-a666-3d4cbe24a731"
+                               ]
+                       ]
+               },
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+                       "451106f8-560c-43a4-acf2-2a6ed0ea57b8":{
+                               "name":"uri-blocker",
+                               "conf":{
+                                       "block_rules":[
+                                               "root.exe",
+                                               "root.m+"
+                                       ],
+                                       "rejected_code":403
+                               }
+                       },
+                       "988ef5c2-c896-4606-a666-3d4cbe24a731":{
+                               "name":"kafka-logger",
+                               "conf":{
+                                       "batch_max_size":1000,
+                                       "broker_list":{
+                                       },
+                                       "buffer_duration":60,
+                                       "inactive_timeout":5,
+                                       "include_req_body":false,
+                                       "kafka_topic":"1",
+                                       "key":"2",
+                                       "max_retry_count":0,
+                                       "name":"kafka logger",
+                                       "retry_delay":1,
+                                       "timeout":3
+                               }
+                       },
+                       "b93d622c-92ef-48b4-b6bb-57e1ce893ee3":{
+                               "name":"fault-injection",
+                               "conf":{
+                                       "abort":{
+                                               "body":"200",
+                                               "http_status":300
+                                       },
+                                       "delay":{
+                                               "duration":500
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       }
+               },
+               "chart":{
+                       "hovered":{
+                       },
+                       "links":{
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+                                       },
+                                       "to":{
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-                         "b93d622c-92ef-48b4-b6bb-57e1ce893ee3"
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-                         "rejected_code":403
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-                         },
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-                         "kafka_topic":"1",
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-                         "timeout":3
-                     }
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-                         }
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-                                         "http_status":300
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-                                 "name":"fault-injection",
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-                     "id":"b93d622c-92ef-48b4-b6bb-57e1ce893ee3",
-                     "type":"node"
-                 }
-             }
-         }
-       }`
+         ` + reqBodyCopy

Review comment:
       we could use a simple route config
   reqBody = `{
       "id": "1",
       "uri": "/index.html",
       "upstream": {
           "type": "roundrobin",
           "nodes": [{
               "host": "",
               "port": 80,
               "weight": 1

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