ElvinEfendi commented on a change in pull request #3300:
URL: https://github.com/apache/apisix/pull/3300#discussion_r558323302

File path: apisix/balancer/ewma.lua
@@ -3,105 +3,125 @@
 -- Inspiration drawn from:
 local core = require("apisix.core")
+local nkeys = require("core.table.nkeys")
+local resty_lock = require("resty.lock")
 local ngx = ngx
 local ngx_shared = ngx.shared
 local ngx_now = ngx.now
 local math = math
 local pairs = pairs
 local next = next
+local error = error
-local _M = {}
 local DECAY_TIME = 10 -- this value is in seconds
+local LOCK_KEY = ":ewma_key"
 local shm_ewma = ngx_shared.balancer_ewma
-local shm_last_touched_at= ngx_shared.balancer_ewma_last_touched_at
+local shm_last_touched_at = ngx_shared.balancer_ewma_last_touched_at
+local lrucache_addr = core.lrucache.new({ttl = 300, count = 1024})
+local lrucache_trans_format = core.lrucache.new({ttl = 300, count = 256})
+local ewma_lock, ewma_lock_err = resty_lock:new("balancer_ewma_locks",
+                                                {timeout = 0, exptime = 0.1})
+local _M = {name = "ewma"}
+local function lock(upstream)
+    local _, err = ewma_lock:lock(upstream .. LOCK_KEY)
+    if err then
+        if err ~= "timeout" then
+            core.log.error("EWMA Balancer failed to lock: ", err)
+        end
+    end
+    return err
-local lrucache_addr = core.lrucache.new({
-    ttl = 300, count = 1024
-local lrucache_trans_format = core.lrucache.new({
-    ttl = 300, count = 256
+local function unlock()
+    local ok, err = ewma_lock:unlock()
+    if not ok then
+        core.log.error("EWMA Balancer failed to unlock: ", err)
+    end
+    return err
 local function decay_ewma(ewma, last_touched_at, rtt, now)
     local td = now - last_touched_at
-    td = math.max(td, 0)
+    td = (td > 0) and td or 0
     local weight = math.exp(-td / DECAY_TIME)
     ewma = ewma * weight + rtt * (1.0 - weight)
     return ewma
 local function store_stats(upstream, ewma, now)
     local success, err, forcible = shm_last_touched_at:set(upstream, now)
     if not success then
-        core.log.error("balancer_ewma_last_touched_at:set failed ", err)
+        core.log.warn("shm_last_touched_at:set failed: ", err)
     if forcible then
-        core.log.warn("balancer_ewma_last_touched_at:set valid items forcibly 
+        core.log
+            .warn("shm_last_touched_at:set valid items forcibly overwritten")
     success, err, forcible = shm_ewma:set(upstream, ewma)
     if not success then
-        core.log.error("balancer_ewma:set failed ", err)
+        core.log.warn("shm_ewma:set failed: ", err)
     if forcible then
-        core.log.warn("balancer_ewma:set valid items forcibly overwritten")
+        core.log.warn("shm_ewma:set valid items forcibly overwritten")
 local function get_or_update_ewma(upstream, rtt, update)
+    local lock_err = nil
+    if update then

Review comment:
       I think the only way of getting rid of locking for "get" operations is 
to combine ewma and timestamp in the same value and store under single key. But 
then you would need to do encoding and decoding every time you set and fetch 
it. It can be interesting to try that and see the performance.

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