shuoshadow opened a new issue #500:

   ### Issue description
   kind: ApisixUpstream
     name: kas-svc
     namespace: ops
       connect: 1800s
       read: 1800s
       send: 1800s
   crd from v0.6.0
CustomResourceDefinitionmetadata:  name: apisixupstreams.apisix.apache.orgspec: 
 group:  versions:    - name: v1      served: true      
storage: true  scope: Namespaced  names:    plural: apisixupstreams    
singular: apisixupstream    kind: ApisixUpstream    shortNames:      - au  
preserveUnknownFields: false  validation:    openAPIV3Schema:      type: object 
     properties:        spec:          type: object          properties:        
    loadbalancer:              type: object              properties:            
    type:                  type: string                  enum:                  
  - roundrobin                    - chash                    - ewma             
       - least_conn                hashOn:                  type: string        
          enum:                    - vars                    - 
vars_combinations                    - header                    - cookie       
             - consumer   
              key:                  type: string              required:         
       - type            scheme:              type: string              enum:   
             - http                - grpc            retries:              
type: integer              minimum: 0            timeout:              type: 
object              properties:                connect:                  type: 
string                read:                  type: string                send:  
                type: string            healthCheck:              type: object  
            anyOf:                - required:                    - active       
         - required:                    - active                    - passive   
           properties:                active:                  type: object     
             properties:                    type:                      type: 
string                      enum:                        - http                 
       - https                        - tcp       
              timeout:                      type: number                      
minimum: 0                    concurrency:                      type: integer   
                   minimum: 1                    host:                      
type: string                      pattern: "^\\*?[0-9a-zA-Z-._]+$"              
      port:                      type: integer                      minimum: 1  
                    maximum: 65535                    httpPath:                 
     type: string                      minLength: 1                    
strictTLS:                      type: boolean                    
requestHeaders:                      type: array                      minItems: 
1                      items:                        type: string               
     healthy:                      type: object                      
properties:                        interval:                          type: 
string                        httpCodes:                          type: array   
                     minItems: 1                          items:                
            type: integer                            minimum: 200               
             maximum: 599                        successes:                     
     type: integer                          minimum: 1                          
maximum: 254                    unhealthy:                      type: object    
                  properties:                        interval:                  
        type: string                        httpCodes:                          
type: array                          minItems: 1                          
items:                            type: integer                            
minimum: 200                            maximum: 599                        
httpFailures:                          type: integer                          
minimum: 1                          maximum: 254                        
tcpFailures:                          type: integer            
               minimum: 1                          maximum: 254                 
       timeout:                          type: string                passive:   
               type: object                  properties:                    
type:                      type: string                      enum:              
          - http                        - https                        - tcp    
                healthy:                      type: object                      
properties:                        httpCodes:                          type: 
array                          minItems: 1                          items:      
                      type: integer                            minimum: 200     
                       maximum: 599                        successes:           
               type: integer                          minimum: 1                
          maximum: 254                    unhealthy:                      type: 
object                      properties:      
                   httpCodes:                          type: array              
            minItems: 1                          items:                         
   type: integer                            minimum: 200                        
    maximum: 599                        httpFailures:                          
type: integer                          minimum: 1                          
maximum: 254                        tcpFailures:                          type: 
integer                          minimum: 1                          maximum: 
254                        timeout:                          type: string       
     portLevelSettings:              type: array              items:            
    type: object                properties:                  port:              
      type: integer                    minimum: 1                    maximum: 
65535                  loadbalancer:                    type: object            
        properties:                      type:  
                       type: string                        enum:                
          - roundrobin                          - chash                         
 - ewma                          - least_conn                      hashOn:      
                  type: string                        enum:                     
     - vars                          - vars_combinations                        
  - header                          - cookie                          - 
consumer                      key:                        type: string          
          required:                      - type                  scheme:        
            type: string                    enum:                      - http   
                   - grpc                  retries:                    type: 
integer                    minimum: 0                  timeout:                 
   type: object                    properties:                      connect:    
                    type: string                 
      read:                        type: string                      send:      
                  type: string                  healthCheck:                    
type: object                    anyOf:                      - required:         
                 - active                      - required:                      
    - active                          - passive                    properties:  
                    active:                        type: object                 
       properties:                          type:                            
type: string                            enum:                              - 
http                              - https                              - tcp    
                      timeout:                            type: number          
                  minimum: 0                          concurrency:              
              type: integer                            minimum: 1               
 type: string                            pattern: "^\\*?[0-9a-zA-Z-._]+$"       
                   port:                            type: integer               
             minimum: 1                            maximum: 65535               
           httpPath:                            type: string                    
        minLength: 1                          strictTLS:                        
    type: boolean                          requestHeaders:                      
      type: array                            minItems: 1                        
    items:                              type: string                          
healthy:                            type: object                            
properties:                              interval:                              
  type: string                              httpCodes:                          
      type: array                                minItems: 1                    
         type: integer                                  minimum: 200            
                      maximum: 599                              successes:      
                          type: integer                                minimum: 
1                                maximum: 254                          
unhealthy:                            type: object                            
properties:                              interval:                              
  type: string                              httpCodes:                          
      type: array                                minItems: 1                    
            items:                                  type: integer               
                   minimum: 200                                  maximum: 599   
                           httpFailures:                                type: 
integer                                minimum: 1                               
 maximum: 254                              tcpFailu
 res:                                type: integer                              
  minimum: 1                                maximum: 254                        
      timeout:                                type: string                      
passive:                        type: object                        properties: 
                         type:                            type: string          
                  enum:                              - http                     
         - https                              - tcp                          
healthy:                            type: object                            
properties:                              httpCodes:                             
   type: array                                minItems: 1                       
         items:                                  type: integer                  
                minimum: 200                                  maximum: 599      
                      type: integer                                minimum: 1   
                             maximum: 254                          unhealthy:   
                         type: object                            properties:    
                          httpCodes:                                type: array 
                               minItems: 1                                
items:                                  type: integer                           
       minimum: 200                                  maximum: 599               
               httpFailures:                                type: integer       
                         minimum: 1                                maximum: 254 
                             tcpFailures:                                type: 
integer                                minimum: 1                               
 maximum: 254                              timeout:                             
   type: string
   E0526 19:26:36.513291       1 event.go:329] Could not construct reference 
to: '&v1.ApisixUpstream{TypeMeta:v1.TypeMeta{Kind:"", APIVersion:""}, 
ObjectMeta:v1.ObjectMeta{Name:"kas-svc", GenerateName:"", Namespace:"ops", 
UID:"daa82322-289d-4909-ba08-e5deb6e68370", ResourceVersion:"7812105", 
Generation:1, CreationTimestamp:v1.Time{Time:time.Time{wall:0x0, 
ext:63757625195, loc:(*time.Location)(0x290d420)}}, 
DeletionTimestamp:(*v1.Time)(nil), DeletionGracePeriodSeconds:(*int64)(nil), 
 OwnerReferences:[]v1.OwnerReference(nil), Finalizers:[]string(nil), 
Operation:"Update", APIVersion:"", 
Time:(*v1.Time)(0xc0004c6940), FieldsType:"FieldsV1", 
Status:v2alpha1.ApisixStatus{Conditions:(*[]v1.Condition)(nil)}}' due to: 'no 
kind is registered for the type v1.ApisixUpstream in scheme 
"pkg/runtime/scheme.go:100"'. Will not report event: 'Normal' 'ResourcesSynced' 
'ApisixIngress synced successfully'
   ### Environment
   apisix-ingress-controller version 0.6.0--go1.13.8
   * your apisix-ingress-controller version (output of 
`apisix-ingress-controller version --long`);
   * your Kubernetes cluster version (output of `kubectl version`);
   * if you run apisix-ingress-controller in Bare-metal environment, also show 
your OS version (`uname -a`).

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