Taewoo Kim has posted comments on this change.

Change subject: Applied the multiway fuzzyjoin based on the prefix-based join 
and the selectFuzzyJoin testCases.

Patch Set 39:


A few more comments.


Line 138:     @Override public boolean rewritePost(Mutable<ILogicalOperator> 
opRef, IOptimizationContext context)
public boolean ... should start at new line.

Line 141:         // current operator is join
--> current operator should be a join.

Line 147:         // Find GET_ITEM function.
--> Find GET_ITEM function in the join condition.

Line 149:         Mutable<ILogicalExpression> expRef = joinOp.getCondition();
expRef -> exprRef

Line 190: 
Are we always sure that we always see two variables, not some expressions?

Line 202:         // leftInputPKs in currrentPKs extract all the PKs derived 
from the left branch in the newest fuzzyjoin.
Could you explain the meaning of "newest fuzzy join"?

Line 212:         IAType leftType = (IAType) 
You calculate this again here. leftType was already calculated in 

Line 258:     // 2. Otherwise, we can apply this rule to its branches to 
trigger a prefix-based fuzzyjoin.
For the above comments, I would like to suggest the following. Please check 
whether my understanding is correct. 

     * To handle multiple fuzzy-join conditions on a same pair of datasets, 
this rule checks the PKs in bottom-up way.
     * The previousPKs list incrementally maintains the PKs from a previous 
fuzzy-join operator's input branches.
     * In addition, the given fuzzy-join operator has been successfully 
translated into a prefix-based fuzzy join
     * sub-plan of the current fuzzy-join operator. There are two cases:
     * 1. If the previousPKs list contains the currentPKs list (the PKs from 
the input branches of the current
     * fuzzy-join operator), this means that the current fuzzy-join condition 
has no new input branch. This case
     * SHOULD BE regarded as a SELECT over one of the previous fuzzy-joins.
     * 2. Otherwise, we can apply this rule to the current fuzzy-join operator 
to a new prefix-based fuzzy-join plan.

Line 259:     private boolean regardAsPrefixFuzzyJoin(IOptimizationContext 
context, ILogicalOperator leftInputOp,
regardAsPrefixFuzzyJoin -> isPrefixFuzzyJoin might be better?

Line 265:         // If PKs derived from the both branches are SAME as a 
previous fuzzyjoin, we treat this ~= as a select.
we treat this ~= as a select ==> we treat this as a select over a fuzzy-join.

Line 272:         //Suppose we want to query on the same table on the different 
fields, i.e. A.a1 ~= B.b1 AND A.a2 ~= B.b2
table -> dataset. Please apply this to the all places.

Line 275:         // Avoid the duplicated PK generation in 
findPrimaryKeysInSubplan, especially for multiway fuzzy join.
Avoid --> Avoids

Line 278:         // Fail if primary keys could not be inferred.
Fail --> Fails

Line 285:         // left-hand side and right-hand side of fuzzyjoin has the 
same type
has the same type --> should be the same type.

Line 464:     private Mutable<ILogicalExpression> 
getSimilarityExpression(Mutable<ILogicalExpression> expRef) {
expRef -> exprRef

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Gerrit-MessageType: comment
Gerrit-Change-Id: I8736f104905eeda763d39709e002c2b9629278cc
Gerrit-PatchSet: 39
Gerrit-Project: asterixdb
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Wenhai Li <lwhaym...@yahoo.com>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Chen Li <che...@gmail.com>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Jenkins <jenk...@fulliautomatix.ics.uci.edu>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Taewoo Kim <wangs...@yahoo.com>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Wenhai Li <lwhaym...@yahoo.com>
Gerrit-HasComments: Yes

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