Github user theburge commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: src/couch_file.erl ---
    @@ -524,6 +525,99 @@ handle_info({'EXIT', _, Reason}, Fd) ->
         {stop, Reason, Fd}.
    +%% first try to read header at end, falling back to chunked reads on 
    +find_last_header(Fd, FileSize) ->
    +    ok = file:advise(Fd, 0, FileSize, dont_need), % minimize disk cache 
    +    Pos = (FileSize div ?SIZE_BLOCK) * ?SIZE_BLOCK,
    +    case file:pread(Fd, Pos, FileSize - Pos) of
    +        eof ->
    +            no_valid_header;
    +        {ok, Data} ->
    +            try match_header(Fd, Pos, Data, 0) of
    +                {ok, HeaderBin} ->
    +                    {ok, HeaderBin}
    +            catch
    +                error:{badmatch, _} ->
    +                    find_header_in_chunks(Fd, Pos, 1)
    +            end
    +    end.
    +chunk_max_size() ->
    +    config:get_integer("couchdb", "chunk_max_size", 
    +%% chunk size exponentially increases by iteration, up to some maximum,
    +%% and should never exceed the current position in the file
    +chunk_size(Pos, Multiplier) ->
    +    Size = min(Multiplier * ?SIZE_BLOCK, chunk_max_size()),
    +    min(Pos, Size).
    +multiplier(Size, Multiplier) ->
    +    case Size < chunk_max_size() of
    +        true ->
    +            Multiplier * config:get_integer(
    +                "couchdb", "chunk_exponent_base", 
    +        false ->
    +            Multiplier
    +    end.
    +find_header_in_chunks(_Fd, Pos, _Multiplier) when Pos < 0 ->
    +    no_valid_header;
    +find_header_in_chunks(Fd, Pos, Multiplier) ->
    +    Size = chunk_size(Pos, Multiplier),
    +    case Size > 0 of
    +        false ->
    +            no_valid_header;
    +        true ->
    +            {ok, Chunk} = file:pread(Fd, Pos - Size, Size),
    +            case find_header_in_chunk(Fd, Pos, Chunk, Size) of
    +                {ok, HeaderBin, _Offset} ->
    +                    %% io:format("found header at ~p multiplier ~p 
chunksize ~p~n",
    +                    %%     [Pos - Size + _Offset, Multiplier, Size]),
    +                    {ok, HeaderBin};
    +                not_found ->
    +                    NewMultiplier = multiplier(Size, Multiplier),
    +                    find_header_in_chunks(Fd, Pos - Size, NewMultiplier)
    +            end
    +    end.
    +find_header_in_chunk(_Fd, _Pos, _Chunk, Offset) when Offset < 0 ->
    --- End diff --
    Is that guard correct? Or should it be `=<`?
    If `Offset = ?SIZE_BLOCK`, it looks to me that it would attempt the second 
clause of`find_header_in_chunk` twice, and presumably lead to a badmatch in 

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