nickva commented on a change in pull request #496: Couchdb 3287 pluggable 
storage engines

 File path: src/couch/src/couch_db_engine.erl
 @@ -0,0 +1,877 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+-type filepath() :: iolist().
+-type docid() :: binary().
+-type rev() :: {non_neg_integer(), binary()}.
+-type revs() :: [rev()].
+-type json() :: any().
+-type doc_pair() :: {
+        #full_doc_info{} | not_found,
+        #full_doc_info{} | not_found
+    }.
+-type doc_pairs() :: [doc_pair()].
+-type db_open_options() :: [
+        create
+    ].
+-type delete_options() :: [
+        {context, delete | compaction} |
+        sync
+    ].
+-type purge_info() :: [{docid(), revs()}].
+-type epochs() :: [{Node::atom(), UpdateSeq::non_neg_integer()}].
+-type size_info() :: [{Name::atom(), Size::non_neg_integer()}].
+-type write_stream_options() :: [
+        {buffer_size, Size::pos_integer()} |
+        {encoding, atom()} |
+        {compression_level, pos_integer()}
+    ].
+-type doc_fold_options() :: [
+        {start_key, Key::any()} |
+        {end_key, Key::any()} |
+        {end_key_gt, Key::any()} |
+        {dir, fwd | rev} |
+        include_reductions |
+        include_deleted
+    ].
+-type changes_fold_options() :: [
+        {dir, fwd | rev}
+    ].
+-type db_handle() :: any().
+-type doc_fold_fun() :: fun((#full_doc_info{}, UserAcc::any()) ->
+        {ok, NewUserAcc::any()} |
+        {stop, NewUserAcc::any()}).
+-type local_doc_fold_fun() :: fun((#doc{}, UserAcc::any()) ->
+        {ok, NewUserAcc::any()} |
+        {stop, NewUserAcc::any()}).
+-type changes_fold_fun() :: fun((#doc_info{}, UserAcc::any()) ->
+        {ok, NewUserAcc::any()} |
+        {stop, NewUserAcc::any()}).
+% This is called by couch_server to determine which
+% engine should be used for the given database. DbPath
+% is calculated based on the DbName and the configured
+% extension for a given engine. The first engine to
+% return true is the engine that will be used for the
+% database.
+-callback exists(DbPath::filepath()) -> boolean().
+% This is called by couch_server to delete a database. It
+% is called from inside the couch_server process which
+% means that the storage engine does not have to guarantee
+% its own consistency checks when executing in this
+% context. Although since this is executed in the context
+% of couch_server it should return relatively quickly.
+-callback delete(
+            RootDir::filepath(),
+            DbPath::filepath(),
+            DelOpts::delete_options()) ->
+        ok | {error, Reason::atom()} | any().
+% This function can be called from multiple contexts. It
+% will either be called just before a call to delete/3 above
+% or when a compaction is cancelled which executes in the
+% context of a couch_db_updater process. It is intended to
+% remove any temporary files used during compaction that
+% may be used to recover from a failed compaction swap.
+-callback delete_compaction_files(
+            RootDir::filepath(),
+            DbPath::filepath(),
+            DelOpts::delete_options()) ->
+        ok.
+% This is called from the couch_db_updater:init/1 context. As
+% such this means that it is guaranteed to only have one process
+% executing for a given DbPath argument (ie, opening a given
+% database is guaranteed to only happen in a single process).
+% However, multiple process may be trying to open different
+% databases concurrently so if a database requires a shared
+% resource that will require concurrency control at the storage
+% engine layer.
+% The returned DbHandle should be a term that can be freely
+% copied between processes and accessed concurrently. However
+% its guaranteed that the handle will only ever be mutated
+% in a single threaded context (ie, within the couch_db_updater
+% process).
+-callback init(DbPath::filepath(), db_open_options()) ->
+    {ok, DbHandle::db_handle()}.
+% This is called in the context of couch_db_updater:terminate/2
+% and as such has the same properties for init/2. It's guaranteed
+% to be consistent for a given database but may be called by many
+% databases concurrently.
+-callback terminate(Reason::any(), DbHandle::db_handle()) -> Ignored::any().
+% This is called in the context of couch_db_updater:handle_call/3
+% for any message that is unknown. It can be used to handle messages
+% from asynchronous processes like the engine's compactor if it has one.
+-callback handle_call(Msg::any(), DbHandle::db_handle()) ->
+        {reply, Resp::any(), NewDbHandle::db_handle()} |
+        {stop, Reason::any(), Resp::any(), NewDbHandle::db_handle()}.
+% This is called in the context of couch_db_updater:handle_info/2
+% and has the same properties as handle_call/3.
+-callback handle_info(Msg::any(), DbHandle::db_handle()) ->
+    {noreply, NewDbHandle::db_handle()} |
+    {noreply, NewDbHandle::db_handle(), Timeout::timeout()} |
+    {stop, Reason::any(), NewDbHandle::db_handle()}.
+% These functions are called by any process opening or closing
+% a database. As such they need to be able to handle being
+% called concurrently. For example, the legacy engine uses these
+% to add monitors to the main engine process.
+-callback incref(DbHandle::db_handle()) -> {ok, NewDbHandle::db_handle()}.
+-callback decref(DbHandle::db_handle()) -> ok.
+-callback monitored_by(DbHande::db_handle()) -> [pid()].
+% All of the get_* functions may be called from many
+% processes concurrently.
+% The database should make a note of the update sequence when it
+% was last compacted. If the database doesn't need compacting it
+% can just hard code a return value of 0.
+-callback get_compacted_seq(DbHandle::db_handle()) ->
+            CompactedSeq::non_neg_integer().
+% The number of documents in the database which have all leaf
+% revisions marked as deleted.
+-callback get_del_doc_count(DbHandle::db_handle()) ->
+            DelDocCount::non_neg_integer().
+% This number is reported in the database info properties and
+% as such can be any JSON value.
+-callback get_disk_version(DbHandle::db_handle()) -> Version::json().
+% The number of documents in the database that have one or more
+% leaf revisions not marked as deleted.
+-callback get_doc_count(DbHandle::db_handle()) -> DocCount::non_neg_integer().
+% The epochs track which node owned the database starting at
+% a given update sequence. Each time a database is opened it
+% should look at the epochs. If the most recent entry is not
+% for the current node it should add an entry that will be
+% written the next time a write is performed. An entry is
+% simply a {node(), CurrentUpdateSeq} tuple.
+-callback get_epochs(DbHandle::db_handle()) -> Epochs::epochs().
+% Get the last purge request performed.
+-callback get_last_purged(DbHandle::db_handle()) -> LastPurged::purge_info().
+% Get the current purge sequence. This should be incremented
+% for every purge operation.
+-callback get_purge_seq(DbHandle::db_handle()) -> PurgeSeq::non_neg_integer().
+% Get the revision limit. This should just return the last
+% value that was passed to set_revs_limit/2.
+-callback get_revs_limit(DbHandle::db_handle()) -> RevsLimit::pos_integer().
+% Get the current security properties. This should just return
+% the last value that was passed to set_security/2.
+-callback get_security(DbHandle::db_handle()) -> SecProps::any().
+% This information is displayed in the database info poperties. It
+% should just be a list of {Name::atom(), Size::non_neg_integer()}
+% tuples that will then be combined across shards. Currently,
+% various modules expect there to at least be values for:
+%   file     - Number of bytes on disk
+%   active   - Theoretical minimum number of bytes to store this db on disk
+%              which is used to guide decisions on compaction
+%   external - Number of bytes that would be required to represent the
+%              contents outside of the database (for capacity and backup
+%              planning)
+-callback get_size_info(DbHandle::db_handle()) -> SizeInfo::size_info().
+% The current update sequence of the database. The update
+% sequence should be incrememnted for every revision added to
+% the database.
+-callback get_update_seq(DbHandle::db_handle()) -> 
+% Whenever a database is created it should generate a
+% persistent UUID for identification in case the shard should
+% ever need to be moved between nodes in a cluster.
+-callback get_uuid(DbHandle::db_handle()) -> UUID::binary().
+% These functions are only called by couch_db_updater and
+% as such are guaranteed to be single threaded calls. The
+% database should simply store these values somewhere so
+% they can be returned by the corresponding get_* calls.
+-callback set_revs_limit(DbHandle::db_handle(), RevsLimit::pos_integer()) ->
+        {ok, NewDbHandle::db_handle()}.
+-callback set_security(DbHandle::db_handle(), SecProps::any()) ->
+        {ok, NewDbHandle::db_handle()}.
+% This function will be called by many processes concurrently.
+% It should return a #full_doc_info{} record or not_found for
+% every provided DocId in the order those DocId's appear in
+% the input.
+% Traditionally this function will only return documents that
+% were present in the database when the DbHandle was retrieved
+% from couch_server. It is currently unknown what would break
+% if a storage engine deviated from that property.
+-callback open_docs(DbHandle::db_handle(), DocIds::[docid()]) ->
+        [#full_doc_info{} | not_found].
+% This function will be called by many processes concurrently.
+% It should return a #doc{} record or not_found for every
+% provided DocId in the order they appear in the input.
+% The same caveats around database snapshots from open_docs
+% apply to this function (although this function is called
+% rather less frequently so it may not be as big of an
+% issue).
+-callback open_local_docs(DbHandle::db_handle(), DocIds::[docid()]) ->
+        [#doc{} | not_found].
+% This function will be called from many contexts concurrently.
+% The provided RawDoc is a #doc{} record that has its body
+% value set to the body value returned from write_doc_body/2.
+% This API exists so that storage engines can store document
+% bodies externally from the #full_doc_info{} record (which
+% is the traditional approach and is recommended).
+-callback read_doc_body(DbHandle::db_handle(), RawDoc::doc()) ->
+        doc().
+% This function is called concurrently by any client process
+% that is writing a document. It should accept a #doc{}
+% record and return a #doc{} record with a mutated body it
+% wishes to have written to disk by write_doc_body/2.
+% This API exists so that storage engines can compress
+% document bodies in parallel by client processes rather
+% than forcing all compression to occur single threaded
+% in the context of the couch_db_updater process.
+-callback serialize_doc(DbHandle::db_handle(), Doc::doc()) ->
+        doc().
+% This function is called in the context of a couch_db_updater
+% which means its single threaded for the given DbHandle.
+% The returned #doc{} record should have its Body set to a value
+% that will be stored in the #full_doc_info{} record's revision
+% tree leaves which is passed to read_doc_body/2 above when
+% a client wishes to read a document.
+% The BytesWritten return value is used to determine the number
+% of active bytes in the database which can is used to make
+% a determination of when to compact this database.
+-callback write_doc_body(DbHandle::db_handle(), Doc::doc()) ->
+        {ok, FlushedDoc::doc(), BytesWritten::non_neg_integer()}.
+% This function is called from the context of couch_db_updater
+% and as such is guaranteed single threaded for the given
+% DbHandle.
+% This is probably the most complicated function in the entire
+% API due to a few subtle behavior requirements required by
+% CouchDB's storage model.
+% The Pairs argument is a list of pairs (2-tuples) of
+% #full_doc_info{} records. The first element of the pair is
+% the #full_doc_info{} that exists on disk. The second element
+% is the new version that should be written to disk. There are
+% three basic cases that should be followed:
+%     1. {not_found, #full_doc_info{}} - A new document was created
+%     2. {#full_doc_info{}, #full_doc_info{}} - A document was updated
+%     3. {#full_doc_info{}, not_found} - A document was purged completely
+% Number one and two are fairly straight forward as long as proper
+% accounting for moving entries in the udpate sequence are accounted
+% for. However, case 3 you'll notice is "purged completely" which
+% means it needs to be removed from the database including the
+% update sequence. Also, for engines that are not using append
+% only storage like the legacy engine, case 2 can be the result of
+% a purge so special care will be needed to see which revisions
+% should be removed.
+% The LocalDocs variable is applied separately. Its important to
+% note for new storage engine authors that these documents are
+% separate because they should *not* be included as part of the
+% changes index for the database.
+% The PurgedDocIdRevs is the list of Ids and Revisions that were
+% purged during this update. While its not guaranteed by the API,
+% currently there will never be purge changes comingled with
+% standard updates.
+% Traditionally an invocation of write_doc_infos should be all
+% or nothing in so much that if an error occurs (or the VM dies)
+% then the database doesn't retain any of the changes. However
+% as long as a storage engine maintains consistency this should
+% not be an issue as it has never been a guarantee and the
+% batches are non-deterministic (from the point of view of the
+% client).
+-callback write_doc_infos(
+    DbHandle::db_handle(),
+    Pairs::doc_pairs(),
+    LocalDocs::[#doc{}],
+    PurgedDocIdRevs::[{docid(), revs()}]) ->
+        {ok, NewDbHandle::db_handle()}.
+% This function is called in the context of couch_db_udpater and
+% as such is single threaded for any given DbHandle.
+% This call is made periodically to ensure that the database has
+% stored all updates on stable storage. (ie, here is where you fsync).
+-callback commit_data(DbHandle::db_handle()) ->
+        {ok, NewDbHande::db_handle()}.
+% This function is called by multiple processes concurrently.
+% This function along with open_read_stream are part of the
+% attachments API. For the time being I'm leaving these mostly
+% undocumented. There are implementations of this in both the
+% legacy btree engine as well as the alternative engine
+% implementations for the curious, however this is a part of the
+% API for which I'd like feed back.
+% Currently an engine can elect to not implement these API's
+% by throwing the atom not_supported.
+-callback open_write_stream(
+    DbHandle::db_handle(),
+    Options::write_stream_options()) ->
+        {ok, pid()}.
+% See the documentation for open_write_stream
+-callback open_read_stream(DbHandle::db_handle(), StreamDiskInfo::any()) ->
+        {ok, {Module::atom(), ReadStreamState::any()}}.
+% See the documentation for open_write_stream
+-callback is_active_stream(DbHandle::db_handle(), ReadStreamState::any()) ->
+        boolean().
+% This funciton is called by many processes concurrently.
+% This function is called to fold over the documents in
+% the database sorted by the raw byte collation order of
+% the document id. For each document id, the supplied user
+% function should be invoked with the first argument set
+% to the #full_doc_info{} record and the second argument
+% set to the current user supplied accumulator. The return
+% value of the user function is a 2-tuple of {Go, NewUserAcc}.
+% The NewUserAcc value should then replace the current
+% user accumulator. If Go is the atom ok, iteration over
+% documents should continue. If Go is the atom stop, then
+% iteration should halt and the return value should be
+% {ok, NewUserAcc}.
+% Possible options to this function include:
+%     1. start_key - Start iteration at the provided key or
+%        or just after if the key doesn't exist
+%     2. end_key - Stop iteration prior to visiting the provided
+%        key
+%     3. end_key_gt - Stop iteration just after the provided key
+%     4. dir - The atom fwd or rev. This is to be able to iterate
+%        over documents in reverse order. The logic for comparing
+%        start_key, end_key, and end_key_gt are then reversed (ie,
+%        when rev, start_key should be greater than end_key if the
+%        user wishes to see results)
+%     5. include_reductions - This is a hack for _all_docs since
+%        it currently relies on reductions to count an offset. This
+%        is a terrible hack that will need to be addressed by the
+%        API in the future. If this option is present the supplied
+%        user function expects three arguments, where the first
+%        argument is a #full_doc_info{} record, the second argument
+%        is the current list of reductions to the left of the current
+%        document, and the third argument is the current user
+%        accumulator. The return value from the user function is
+%        unaffected. However the final return value of the function
+%        should include the final total reductions as the second
+%        element of a 3-tuple. Like I said, this is a hack.
+%     6. include_deleted - By default deleted documents are not
+%        included in fold_docs calls. However in some special
+%        cases we do want to see them (as of now, just in couch_changes
+%        during the design document changes optimization)
+% Historically, if a process calls this function repeatedly it
+% would see the same results returned even if there were concurrent
+% updates happening. However there doesn't seem to be any instance of
+% that actually happening so a storage engine that includes new results
+% between invocations shouldn't have any issues.
+-callback fold_docs(
+    DbHandle::db_handle(),
+    UserFold::doc_fold_fun(),
+    UserAcc::any(),
+    doc_fold_options()) ->
+        {ok, LastUserAcc::any()}.
+% This function may be called by many processes concurrently.
+% This should behave exactly the same as fold_docs/4 except that it
+% should only return local documents and the first argument to the
+% user function is a #doc{} record, not a #full_doc_info{}.
+-callback fold_local_docs(
+    DbHandle::db_handle(),
+    UserFold::local_doc_fold_fun(),
+    UserAcc::any(),
+    doc_fold_options()) ->
+        {ok, LastUserAcc::any()}.
+% This function may be called by many processes concurrently.
+% This function is called to fold over the documents (not local
+% documents) in order of their most recent update. Each document
+% in the database should have exactly one entry in this sequence.
+% If a document is updated during a call to this funciton it should
+% not be included twice as that will probably lead to Very Bad Things.
+% This should behave similarly to fold_docs/4 in that the supplied
+% user function should be invoked with a #full_doc_info{} record
+% as the first arugment and the current user accumulator as the
+% second argument. The same semantics for the return value from the
+% user function should be handled as in fold_docs/4.
+% The StartSeq parameter indicates where the fold should start
+% *after*. As in, if a change with a value of StartSeq exists in the
+% database it should not be included in the fold.
+% The only option currently supported by the API is the `dir`
+% option that should behave the same as for fold_docs.
+-callback fold_changes(
+    DbHandle::db_handle(),
+    StartSeq::non_neg_integer(),
+    UserFold::changes_fold_fun(),
+    UserAcc::any(),
+    changes_fold_options()) ->
+        {ok, LastUserAcc::any()}.
+% This function may be called by many processes concurrently.
+% This function is called to count the number of documents changed
+% since they given UpdateSeq (ie, not including the possible change
+% at exactly UpdateSeq). It is currently only used internally to
 Review comment:
   `they given` -> `the given`
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