davisp commented on a change in pull request #610: Optimize ddoc cache
URL: https://github.com/apache/couchdb/pull/610#discussion_r126515011

 File path: src/ddoc_cache/src/ddoc_cache_entry.erl
 @@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+%   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+    dbname/1,
+    ddocid/1,
+    recover/1,
+    insert/2,
+    start_link/2,
+    shutdown/1,
+    open/2,
+    accessed/1,
+    refresh/1
+    init/1,
+    terminate/2,
+    handle_call/3,
+    handle_cast/2,
+    handle_info/2,
+    code_change/3
+    do_open/1
+-record(st, {
+    key,
+    val,
+    opener,
+    waiters,
+    ts,
+    accessed
+dbname({Mod, Arg}) ->
+    Mod:dbname(Arg).
+ddocid({Mod, Arg}) ->
+    Mod:ddocid(Arg).
+recover({Mod, Arg}) ->
+    Mod:recover(Arg).
+insert({Mod, Arg}, Value) ->
+    Mod:insert(Arg, Value).
+start_link(Key, Default) ->
+    Pid = proc_lib:spawn_link(?MODULE, init, [{Key, Default}]),
+    {ok, Pid}.
+shutdown(Pid) ->
+    ok = gen_server:call(Pid, shutdown).
+open(Pid, Key) ->
+    try
+        Resp = gen_server:call(Pid, open),
+        case Resp of
+            {open_ok, Val} ->
+                Val;
+            {open_error, {T, R, S}} ->
+                erlang:raise(T, R, S)
+        end
+    catch exit:_ ->
+        % Its possible that this process was evicted just
+        % before we tried talking to it. Just fallback
+        % to a standard recovery
+        recover(Key)
+    end.
+accessed(Pid) ->
+    gen_server:cast(Pid, accessed).
+refresh(Pid) ->
+    gen_server:cast(Pid, force_refresh).
+init({Key, undefined}) ->
+    true = ets:update_element(?CACHE, Key, {#entry.pid, self()}),
+    St = #st{
+        key = Key,
+        opener = spawn_opener(Key),
+        waiters = [],
+        accessed = 1
+    },
+    ?EVENT(started, Key),
+    gen_server:enter_loop(?MODULE, [], St);
+init({Key, Default}) ->
+    Updates = [
+        {#entry.val, Default},
+        {#entry.pid, self()}
+    ],
+    NewTs = os:timestamp(),
+    true = ets:update_element(?CACHE, Key, Updates),
+    true = ets:insert(?LRU, {{NewTs, Key, self()}}),
+    St = #st{
+        key = Key,
+        val = {open_ok, {ok, Default}},
+        opener = start_timer(),
+        waiters = undefined,
+        ts = NewTs,
+        accessed = 1
+    },
+    ?EVENT(default_started, Key),
+    gen_server:enter_loop(?MODULE, [], St).
+terminate(_Reason, St) ->
+    #st{
+        key = Key,
+        opener = Pid,
+        ts = Ts
+    } = St,
+    % We may have already deleted our cache entry
+    % during shutdown
+    Pattern = #entry{key = Key, pid = self(), _ = '_'},
+    CacheMSpec = [{Pattern, [], [true]}],
+    true = ets:select_delete(?CACHE, CacheMSpec) < 2,
+    % We may have already deleted our LRU entry
+    % during shutdown
+    if Ts == undefined -> ok; true ->
+        LruMSpec = [{{{Ts, Key, self()}}, [], [true]}],
+        true = ets:select_delete(?LRU, LruMSpec) < 2
+    end,
+    % Blow away any current opener if it exists
+    if not is_pid(Pid) -> ok; true ->
+        catch exit(Pid, kill)
+    end,
+    ok.
+handle_call(open, From, #st{val = undefined} = St) ->
+    NewSt = St#st{
+        waiters = [From | St#st.waiters]
+    },
+    {noreply, NewSt};
+handle_call(open, _From, St) ->
+    {reply, St#st.val, St};
+handle_call(shutdown, _From, St) ->
+    remove_from_cache(St),
+    {stop, normal, ok, St};
+handle_call(Msg, _From, St) ->
+    {stop, {bad_call, Msg}, {bad_call, Msg}, St}.
+handle_cast(accessed, St) ->
 Review comment:
   I think for now I'm gonna pass on this until we see it be an issue. The 
speed tests are fairly insane for what we'd expect to see in production. So for 
now I'm gonna say "fast enough for real work loads" and we can revisit 
optimizing accessed messages in the future if it becomes an issue.
   Sound reasonable?
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