@trainman419 The live test is failing for me. It's running against Keystone v2 
API in Havana. I'm running it with the following command in the 
`apis/openstack-keystone` dir.

    mvn clean test -Plive 

I get the error

    Failed tests:   
    command: POST HTTP/1.1 failed with 
    HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request; 
    content: [{"error": {"message": "create_user() takes exactly 3 arguments (2 
given)", "code": 400, "title": "Bad Request"}}]

You can that mvn command to test from your side too.

You can also check your logs in 
`apis/openstack-keystone/target/test-data/jclouds-wire.log` It appears to me 
that the add method isn't send any body content.

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