> +              ", path='" + path + '\'' +
> +              ", args=" + Arrays.toString(args) +
> +              ", config=" + config +
> +              ", state=" + state +
> +              ", image='" + image + '\'' +
> +              ", networkSettings=" + networkSettings +
> +              ", sysInitPath='" + sysInitPath + '\'' +
> +              ", resolvConfPath='" + resolvConfPath + '\'' +
> +              ", volumes=" + volumes +
> +              ", sizeRw=" + sizeRw +
> +              ", sizeRootFs=" + sizeRootFs +
> +              ", command='" + command + '\'' +
> +              ", status='" + status + '\'' +
> +              ", hostConfig=" + hostConfig +
> +              ", ports=" + ports +
> +              '}';

Also use the `Objects.toStringHelper` as in the Config class?

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