> +   @SerializedNames({ "name", "environment", "entrypoint", "hostname", 
> "bind_ports", "volumes", "restart_policy", "publish", "network_mode" })
> +   public static ContainerImageInfo create(String name, Map<String, String> 
> environment, List<String> entryPoint,
> +                                             String hostName, 
> List<ImagePortsInfo> bindPorts,
> +                                             List<String> volumes, 
> Map<String, String> restartPolicy,
> +                                             boolean publish, String 
> networkMode) {
> +      
> +      if (environment == null) 
> +         environment = Maps.newHashMap();
> +      if (entryPoint == null)
> +         entryPoint = Lists.newArrayList();
> +      if (bindPorts == null)
> +         bindPorts = Lists.newArrayList();
> +      if (volumes == null)
> +         volumes = Lists.newArrayList();
> +      if (restartPolicy == null)
> +         restartPolicy = Maps.newHashMap();

Using inline ifs here would be more readable?

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