devcsrj commented on this pull request.

> +         logger.trace(">> provisioning complete for server. returned 
> id='%s'", serverId);
+      } catch (Exception ex) {
+         logger.error(ex, ">> failed to provision server. rollbacking..");
+         destroyVolumes(volumeIds, dataCenterId);
+         throw Throwables.propagate(ex);
+      }
+      waitServerUntilAvailable.apply(ServerRef.create(dataCenterId, serverId));
+      waitDcUntilAvailable.apply(dataCenterId);
+      //attach bootVolume to Server
+      api.serverApi().attachVolume(Server.Request.attachVolumeBuilder()
+              .dataCenterId(dataCenterId)
+              .serverId(serverId)
+              .volumeId(

You didn't make changes in here... I assume this is intentional?

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