nacx commented on this pull request.

> +   VPC() {}
+   public static Builder builder() {
+      return new AutoValue_VPC.Builder();
+   }
+   @AutoValue.Builder
+   public abstract static class Builder {
+      public abstract Builder id(String id);
+      public abstract Builder state(State state);
+      public abstract Builder cidrBlock(String cidrBlock);
+      public abstract Builder dhcpOptionsId(String dhcpOptionsId);
+      public abstract Builder instanceTenancy(String instanceTenancy);
+      public abstract Builder isDefault(Boolean isDefault);
+      public abstract Builder tags(Map<String, String> tags);

Oops. Have a look 
 The idea is to provide a hidden build method, which is the one Google Auto wil 
automatically implement, and then manually implement the build method and 
enforce immutability there. 

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