hi @nacx, thanks for the suggestions.  A couple of thoughts/questions:

- Would the `Supplier<List<SecurityGroup>>` be a singleton similar to 
 - I assume it would have to inject the `NovaApi` in the same way?
- I'm not familiar with the memoizing as used in jclouds, but I did think about 
some sort of memo/cache for this; however, I wondered if that would be right 
for this scenario.  does it cope with the need to invalidate the memo when 
mutating operations are performed? e.g. if I add a group A, then another, B, 
then add an ingress rule to B permitting access from A, each of these three 
operations modifies the set of security groups that is defined, so each will 
require a fresh fetch of the list of groups.  If the list is cached per 
‘session’ (not sure what that is) then the sequence above won’t work.  
- I guess we could add accessors to support keeping the memo up-to-date on the 
fly as operations were carried out, but (a) I have bad experiences in the past 
with trying to keep caches in-sync with their back-ends, and (b) in any case I 
don't think that applies here, as in my example, the back end cloud will 
generate the ID for group A when it gets created, so the only way to get its 
value into the memo is to do the fetch again, so the memo isn't saving you an 
operation.  For this reason I thought it might be safest to stick with doing a 
single `list` operation prior to each of the actions above.  

I shall try to read up in the code on how the memoizers are used, and maybe we 
can work out together what to do.

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