andreaturli commented on this pull request.

> +         }
+      });
+      return floatingIPOptional;
+   }
+   private org.jclouds.openstack.neutron.v2.domain.FloatingIP 
 neutronFloatingApi, NodeMetadata node, final String availabilityZone) {
+      String regionId = node.getLocation().getParent().getId();
+      Optional<Network> networkOptional = 
getNetworkApi(regionId).list().concat().firstMatch(new Predicate<Network>() {
+         @Override
+         public boolean apply(@Nullable Network input) {
+            return input.getExternal() && 
+         }
+      });
+      if (!networkOptional.isPresent())
+         throw new InsufficientResourcesException("Failed to find a suitable 
external network.");

good point! as poolnames are optional, what shall we do if poolnames is empty? 
fail seems reasonable as we try to re-use an existing floating ip and to create 
from a poolname: if no poolnames are specified we can't infer much, right?

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